


美式发音: ['lærɪ] 英式发音: ['lærɪ]





1.拉里 Kirk 科克 盖尔 住在教堂旁边的人 Larry 劳瑞 拉丁 月桂树 Leif 列夫 挪威 大众情人 ...

3.赖瑞 King 金英国统治者 Larry 劳瑞拉丁月桂树 Leif 列夫挪威大众情人 ...

6.赖利 Lance 兰斯 Larry 赖利 Laurence 劳伦斯 ...

7.拉利报导员菲尔联同美丽女导演丽塔(Rita)同埋摄影师拉利Larry)三个人一齐嚟到呢个小镇,喺菲尔下塌一间旅馆之后,佢嘅 …


1."She feels her mother gave Larry Rudolph power: He handed her kids over to her ex, " explains the source.知情人士解释道,“布兰妮感觉是她妈妈给了Larry权力,他把两个孩子交给了前夫”。

2.On Good Friday, Larry appeared through a window from the Downing Street garden with a mouse in his mouth.耶稣受难日这一天,拉里出现在唐宁街花园的一扇窗户上,口里叼着一只老鼠。

3."I find that five minutes of talking to Larry is often more valuable than an hour of talking to someone else, " Mr. Geithner says.“我发现,与拉里交谈5分钟,经常要比与其他人谈论1小时更有价值,”盖纳说。

4.When I moved away from his house, Larry grabbed my hands saying, "it's nice getting along with you for some time. "我搬走时,拉瑞握着我的手说:“真高兴与你相处了这么一阵子。”

5.In announcing the company's losses back in October 2008, the then-chairman, Larry Yung, said the company had sat on the news for six weeks.时任董事长荣智健在2008年10月份公布相关亏损时说,公司把这一消息压了六个星期。

6.Don't make this personal, Larry. You know I'm not soft. A lot of guys agree with me. It's not fun playing with you.不要搞人身攻击,拉里。你知道我不柔弱。许多人都同意我的意见,跟你打球不好玩。

7.But after the storm struck layoffs, unfortunately, was driven out of Larry Crow worked for more than twenty years of his store.可是裁员风暴来袭之后,拉瑞·克劳不幸被逐出了他工作了二十余年的卖场。

8.Larry is always trying to ram his opinions down my throat.拉里总是试图把他的想法强加于我。

9.When we walked the ancient, Incan ruins the next day, Larry had his mom with him and I could sense the joy he felt in her presence.当我们漫步在古老的印加遗址,第二天拉里,他与他妈妈和我可以感觉到他的喜悦感受到她的存在。

10."Every executive is in a big building, and I think one of the things Larry wanted to do was bring all the executives together, " she says.每个高管各自在一座大楼里。我想拉里希望做的事情之一,就是把所有的高管聚在一起。