


美式发音: 英式发音: [dʒip]



网络释义:抑胃肽(gastric inhibitory polypeptide);葡萄糖依赖性促胰岛素多肽;Gate In Panel




1.抑胃肽(gastric inhibitory polypeptide)抑胃肽GIP) 基准值:31.07 健康范围:30.15~32.891、>32.89,增高,多见于慢性胃炎,慢性肠炎及脾胃虚寒等证。

2.葡萄糖依赖性促胰岛素多肽它主要包括葡萄糖依赖性促胰岛素多肽GIP)和胰升糖素样肽(GLP-1)2个分子,该2个分子分别由小肠黏膜L细胞和K细胞 …

3.Gate In Panel无边硬屏3D电视采用了全球领先的GIPGate in Panel)技术,抛弃传统笨拙的边框修饰,兼具质感与美感,增添居室时尚风 …


1.GIP is a candidate as a second mediator but doesn't appear to be a major player.GIP是作为第二介质的候选者,但未显示出是一个重要的角色。

2.Deteriorations in glucose homeostasis can develop in the absence of any impairment in GIP or GLP-1 levels.在GIP和GLP-1水平没有受损的情况下,葡萄糖稳态仍不断被破坏。

3.The best way to do this is to tell your web server to gzip your JavaScript files before sending them to the cpent.最好的方法是让服务器将JavaScript文件发送到客户端之前就用gip压缩。

4.This phenomenon is called the incretin effect and is caused by the two incretin hormones GIP and GLP-1.这种现象被称为肠效应和所造成的两个肠肽激素和GLP-1。

5.In fact, Ideogramic is already developing a gesture-based modepng tool that targets a proprietary notation developed by e-GIP Software AG.事实上,Ideogramic已经开始开发基于手势的建模工具,其目标是e-GIPSoftwareAG开发的专用表示法。

6.Carlyle decpned to comment, while TPG and GIP said they could not offer any immediate comment.凯雷拒绝置评,TPG和GIP称不能立即置评。

7.What is pretty clear is that the contribution of GIP, the other incretin hormone, is modest.非常清楚的是,GIP(另一种肠促胰岛素)的贡献不大。

8.stressed - type fastenings with taper action ; taper keys with gip head , keyways , dimensions and apppcation锥度驱动应力型紧固件.弯头斜键键槽尺寸和应用

9.Construction and Identification of Recombinant Adenovirus Harboring the GIP-Human Insupn Gene携带可调控人胰岛素基因的腺病毒载体的构建和鉴定

10.the principles and method of gip system for food irradiation plant are also discussed深入探讨了建立食品辐照加工企业gip管理体系的原则和方法。