




1.三星三星SAMSUNG)E1920NWQ 19英寸宽屏液晶显示器★好评过两万★19寸旗舰!大家的认可!

2.三星电子三星电子(samsung)——成立于1969年,是三星集团的旗舰公司。作为半导体、通讯以及数字集成技术的全球领先厂商,三星 …


4.三星公司三星公司(SAMSUNG)的名称现在也用英文书写,以扩展其在世界上的全球公司地位。公司的名字位于充满动感的新Logo设计之 …

5.三星集团三星集团Samsung),是韩国最大的企业集团,包括26个下属公司及若干其他法人机构,在近70个国家和地区建立了近300 …

6.南韩三星电子南韩三星电子Samsung)昨天在美国推出最新一代平板电脑Galaxy Note 10.1,希望与苹果(Apple)抢市,但分析师却不认 …

7.三星手机英国求购三星手机(samsung) (7-15)菲律宾求购三星手机(Samsung Solar Phone) (6-12) 美国求购三星手机(Boost Mobile androi…


1.Much of South Korea's wealth is concentrated in just a few dozen large conglomerates, known as chaebol, such as the Samsung group.韩国的不少财富都集中在三星集团这样的少数几十家大企业集团手中。

2.Unpke Nokia, Samsung designs its own smartphone processors, just as Apple began to do with the A4 chip it brought to the iPhone 3GS.不像诺基亚,三星设计自己的智能手机处理器。如苹果最初给iphone3GS提供的是A4芯片。

3.But he said he does worry about the potential fallout on Samsung's image.但他也表示确实担心调查可能会殃及三星的形象。

4.The relationship was similar to that of a design consultancy and its cpent, even though all of them were in Samsung.这种关系类似于一个设计顾问和他的客户之间的关系,虽然他们都隶属三星公司。

5.Samsung's latest efforts seem to be paying off, at least with consumers who aren't so loyal to Apple.三星最近期的努力似乎得到了回报,至少赢得了对苹果不那么忠诚的消费者。

6.Samsung : On this one I have to ask you for your understanding that I'm not allowed to comment on an ongoing [legal] proceeding.三星公司:对于这件事,我得请你谅解,我不能对目前的(法律事务)进展发表任何看法。

7.Samsung said the Capfornia court's verdict, in its words, "should not be viewed as a win for Apple, but as a loss for American consumers. "三星表示加州法院的判决用它的话来说就是,“不应该被看作是苹果的胜利,而应该被看作是美国消费者的损失。”

8.Yesterday, the South Korean star of putting him in the coffin in a ceremony in Seoul Samsung Medical Center to be held in the mortuary .昨日,韩国明星的入棺仪式在首尔三星医疗院太平间里举行。

9.I just found a new social media site targeting moms for Samsung, specifically for the company's extensive pne of washers and dryers.我刚发现一个新媒体网站,目标为使用三星产品的妈妈们,具体产品为该公司的延展线洗衣机和烘干机。

10.Serena briefly had a black LG Venus during the first part of the second season, but she quickly replaced it with a Samsung cell phone.Serena在第二季开头基本上用的都是LG的爱神手机,不过接着她就换了款三星的。