




1.给我一个理由 ... Tol 教你看懂英语报刊 Give Me A Reason 给我一个理由 Twist of Fate 命中无缘 ...

2.给我个理由 给我打止疼针, Give me a shot. 给我个理由, Give me a reason. 给我个名字, Give me a na…

3.给我一个乐园扞卫残缺的梦 ... 每当我笑了 every time i laugh 给我一个理由忘记 give me a reason 那麽爱我的你 That you who loved me so ...

5.你总会给我一个原因 ... Everytime I turn around 每当我蓦然回首 Give me a reason 你总会给我一个原因 ...

6.请给我个理由 give me a reason 请给我个理由 And we can learn to love again 重新试着再爱一次 ...


1.john, it's surprised to me that you should get such a low grade this time. give me a reason, please?约翰,这次你竟然考这么低的分数,很是令我惊讶啊!给我一个理由,好吗?

2."My Lord, " I said, "Could you give me a reason why I should not give up? "“上帝,”我说,“你能给我一个让我不放弃的好理由吗?”

3.Please give me a reason for your taking no notice of me.自少给我一个理由啊,不要突然就不理我了。

4.Give me a reason why not to adopt in this way, or judge me to be guilty of so many incurable sins.给我一个不走上这条道路的理由,或者因为这无可救药的过错判我有罪。

5.I say sad to hear several cool drizzle, give me a reason with sorrow.我说忧郁的时候,想听细雨数微凉让我有理由放肆的忧伤。

6.I still love you, but please give me a reason for me to keep waiting.我依旧爱你,但是请给我一个继续等待的理由。

7.Please give me a reason to forget you, who loves me so much.给我一个理由忘记,那么爱我的你。

8.Simply providing a place for these +1 pnks to be aggregated still doesn't give me a reason to cpck the button.只是给这些+1页面一个存放空间并不能说服我去按下+1按钮。

9.But how can I fall in love with a person I hate? Please give me a reason, please!可我怎会爱上我讨厌的人呢?请你给我理由好不好?拜托!

10.Give me a reason why you think that email is a good way for people to communicate.说一说为什么电子信函是人们通信的好方式。