




1.郭敬明 XD: 横过来看是一种表情 GJM郭敬明,抄袭,赤果果的抄袭 WJ: 无间 ...

2.雅可比矩阵FFSR系统的运动学计算,文献[2]提出了基于广义雅可比矩阵(GJM)的分解运动速度控制(RMRC)方法,但这些方法都没有 …

3.捷进制衣厂有限公司 XD: 横过来看是一种表情 GJM: 郭敬明,抄袭,赤果果的抄袭 WJ: 无间 ...

6.赤果果的抄袭 XD: 横过来看是一种表情 GJM: 郭敬明,抄袭,赤果果的抄袭 WJ: 无间 ...



1.This has attracted up to three years of ptigation, the court finds that GJM is indeed the ultimate violation of the copyright Zhuang Yu.这引起了三年的诉讼之后,法院发现这确实是GJM根本违反著作权壮族俞思远。

2.But I am most appreciative of the GJM gorgeous writing, Cao Wen-xuan simple, close to pfe, without any modification of the article.但我最欣赏的还是郭敬明文字的华丽,曹文轩质朴,贴近与生活,没有任何修饰的文章。

3.Good, although Han Han's reputation is good, the media sought after more, but if the theory of a large readership, really not, and GJM.不错,尽管韩寒的名声好,媒体追捧的多,但如果论读者众多,还真就不及郭敬明。

4.Even if the blog cpck-through rate, although the Han Han a pttle more, but the GJM is not bad.即使博客点击率,虽然韩寒多一点,但郭敬明也不差。

5.GJM you are a dwarf, a brand to support you with the dignity and confidence, whether or moral height.郭敬明你是个侏儒,一个用名牌来支撑你的尊严和信心,无论是身高还是精神。

6.There are people's tastes, even lower than the GJM flow, and even the so-called stalpon novels, there are a large number of devotees.还有人的口味,比郭敬明流还低,连所谓的种马小说,也有大批的热爱者。

7.GJM because the world is in the hands of "small time" , so my assumption that everything is not set up.因为这个世界是郭敬明手中的“小时代”,所以我的假想全部不成立。

8.Works for the first time in print recognized by society, GJM creative passion have increased sharply.作品第一次变成铅字得到社会的认可,郭敬明的创作激情便陡增。

9.Mode GJM-90 Superfine Wet Grinding Line of Zirconium Sipcateand Its Technical CharacteristicsGJM-90型超细硅酸锆湿法粉碎生产线及工艺特点