


美式发音: [ˈmɔsi] 英式发音: [ˈmɒsi]



比较级:mossier  最高级:mossiest  同义词




1.苔藓覆盖的;长满苔藓的covered with moss


adj.1.covered with moss

1.生苔的 moss 苔藓 mossy 生苔的 most 最多的 ...

2.莫西祖母绿 moss opal 苔蛋白石,苔藓蛋白石 mossy 莫西祖母绿 mother of emerald 祖母绿之母 ...

3.多苔的 ... know 知道,了解,认识) mossy 多苔的,生了苔的) oversee 向下看,了望,监督) ...

4.青苔.的日志 - 网易博客 ... freshwater fish 淡水鱼 mossy 青苔 warm atmospher 优雅的环境 ...

5.长满苔藓的似苔的 mossy adj. 长满苔藓的似苔的 mutter sth to sb about sth 低语咕哝(某事) ...

6.长满青苔的 willow 柳;柳树 mossy 长满青苔的 primrose 报春花 ...

7.长有青苔的 ... 4.violet: 紫罗兰 5.mossy: 长有青苔的 6.ceased to be:euphemism 委婉说法,指 …


1.He thought he felt her hot mossy breath on his eye. He bpnked, she was gone. The beating of winds. Obsession!他仿佛感觉到了她温润的呼吸,近在咫尺,一眨眼,她就不见了,只有风在叹息.他被迷住了!

2.He entered a dense wood, picked his pathless way to the centre of it, and sat down on a mossy spot under a spreading oak.他走进一片茂密的森林,披荆斩棘,闯出一条路,来到林中深处,在一棵枝叶茂盛的橡树下,一屁股坐到青苔地上。

3.The palace was a pttle less than it sounded, a narrow Palladian facade, mossy steps, a dark archway of rusticated stone.那些大厦比传闻的小些,帕拉底奥式的门面很狭窄,石阶上长满苔藓,阴暗的拱廓用粗琢的石头建成。

4.They sat down again, side by side, and hand clasped in hand, on the mossy trunk of the fallen tree.他俩重新坐下;肩并着肩,手握着手,就这样坐在长满青苔的倒下的树干上。

5.A violet by a mossy stone Half hidden from the eye! ---Fair as a star, when only one Is shining in the sky.她像不为人见的紫罗兰被披青苔的岩石半掩!她美丽如同一颗寒星孤独地闪烁在天边。

6.I left him yonder in the forest, withdrawn into a secret dell, by a mossy tree-trunk, and near a melancholy brook!我把他留在那边那座林子里了,他退缩到一个秘密的山谷里,离一条忧郁的小溪不远,就在一棵长满青苔的树干旁边!

7.i folded my shawl double , and spread it over me for a coverlet ; a low , mossy swell was my pillow.我把披肩一摺为二,铺在身上作盖被,一个长满青苔的低矮小墩当了枕头。

8.She leered at him, showing mossy teeth. Harry backed away.她斜视着他,露出长着苔藓的牙齿,哈利慌忙后退。

9.Mossy green envelops her in the early spring, crispy and soft. A less careful caress may make it crinkle or crack.初春的时候,她浑身绿茸茸的,又脆又软。一不小心,可能就会把她揉皱甚至出现裂痕。

10.Whether a morning or night person, you can hear the threatened marbled birds across the tree tops as they fly from sea to mossy nest.无论清晨还是夜晚,都可以听到有着大理石花纹的鸟儿惊叫着从海上掠过树顶,飞向它们长满青苔的鸟巢。