


英文单词:网守(Gatekeeper);葡萄糖激酶(glucokinase);首版(Garage Kits)


1.网守(Gatekeeper) LT+RT 跑动防守卡位 GK 门将 LB+Y lobbed though 过顶直传 ...


1."New" GK saving system will see goalkeepers palm the ball in a much more realistic manner.新的门将救球系统将会看到门将用一种更加真实的方式抱下皮球。

2.As a good data analysis tool, the GK fuzzy clustering can automatically detect different cluster shape. However, it has many shortcomings.由于GK模糊聚类能够自动地探测不同聚类形状,故其被认为是一类较好的用于分类的数据分析技术。

3.This allows parties to set conditions and rules, similar to a dynamic contract, but via these GK code snippets.这就允许团体设置条件和规则,与动态契约类似,只不过此处是通过这些GK(即Gatekeeper)代码片段来设置。

4.The positioning of goalkeepers is now more intelligent with GK's looking to close angles down more appropriately.门将的站位在近角度看上去更加的聪明和合理。

5.Under BGM and GK models, we review the derivations for the pricing formulas of interest rate caps.分别在BGM与GK模型下,回顾利率上限契约价格公式的推导过程。

6."A consumption tax is regressive, " said Song Seng Wun, regional economist with CIMB-GK Research in Singapore.“消费税是递减的,”新加坡联昌国际研究(CIMB-GKResearch)的地区经济学家宋诚焕(SongSengWun)表示。

7.However, the facilitating effects of berberine on GK in NIT-1 cells was not observed when cultured under low concentration glucose.而小檗碱的这些作用在低浓度葡萄糖刺激下与对照组比较无显著差异。

8.At the same time , GK laser is the only agent of the optical products of SURUGA SEIKI CO. , LTD to Chinese colleges and institutes.本公司也是日本骏河精机株式会社光学产品在中国高校及研究机构的唯一代理商。

9.The company can also offer GK HEPA filter with special size in bulk .本公司接受特殊规格GK过滤器订货。

10.And on a final note, GK Awadhiya's narration of Mahabharat continues as Arjun gets divine weapons.最后,GKAwadhiya讲述的摩诃婆罗多传说,在Arjun得到神圣武器后依旧持续着。