


美式发音: 英式发音: ['ɡlendeil]



un.1.city in Los Angeles County, southwestern Capfornia, directly north of Los Angeles.2.city in central Arizona, a western suburb of Phoenix.

1.格伦代尔格伦代尔(Glendale) 西经112.12 北纬33.34 UTC/GMT-07:00希伯(Heber) 西经110.35 北纬34.25 UTC/GMT-07:00霍尔布鲁克 (H…

2.格兰岱尔市明年,美国格兰岱尔市(Glendale)、河畔市(Riverside)、夫勒斯诺市(Fresno)、圣何塞市(San Jose)、圣比拿迪卢市(San Bernadi…

3.格兰戴尔加州的格兰戴尔(Glendale)一个叫Forest Lawn,我也不确定,什么时候确认在交流吧。评论| 104529981 |三级采纳率60% 擅长…

4.格兰代尔在参观、考察洛杉矶的格兰代尔Glendale)、休斯敦嘉乐亚(Galleria)购物中心时感到上述三个特征体现十分明显。尤其是 …

5.格伦岱近日来格伦岱(GLENDALE)地区出现[摸臀狼],警方表示,已有3名女子报案,警方正进行调查。警方表示,[摸臀狼]专找10几岁 …

6.格兰黛尔  据悉,死者为格兰黛尔Glendale)市26岁华裔女性Tracey Ong Tan和11岁华裔男孩Kendrick Ng。两名死者为表亲关系。


1.Phil Katz was a quiet, asthmatic child whose athletic pursuits as a kid went no further than riding dirt bikes in his Glendale neighborhood.PhilKatz是一个安静的患有哮喘的孩子,他最高的运动成就,不过是在Glendale附近跑跑越野摩托车。

2.However, John Mathis of the Thunderbird Global Financial Services Centre in Glendale, Arizona, remains sceptical.亚利桑那州戈德菲尔德的雷鸟全球金融服务中心的约翰·迈西斯却持怀疑态度。

3.BYD looked at a few other cities, including Portland, Ore. , and Glendale, a suburb of Los Angeles.比亚迪之前考察过其它几个城市,包括俄勒冈州的波特兰(Portland)以及洛杉矶郊区的格兰岱尔市(Glendale)。

4.Jackson devotees gathering at the Forest Lawn Cemetery in Glendale, Capfornia said they had come to both grieve and celebrate his pfe.MJ信徒聚集在加州的glendale的森林草坪公墓并称他们在悲伤和庆住他这一生中度过!

5.Firefighters monitor a fire as it burns near the suburb of Glendale on the outskirts of Los Angeles city on September 1, 2009.消防队员火监测,因为它附近格伦代尔的洛杉矶市郊区郊区烧伤2009年9月1日。

6.The trailer park was directly across the street from the Glendale High School.拖车公园(拖车聚集的地方)的街对面就是格兰岱尔高中。

7.Michael Jackson will be laid to rest at the Forest Lawn Glendale Cemetery , north of downtown Los Angeles.迈克尔·杰克逊将下葬在位于洛杉矶闹市区北部的森林草坪公墓中。

8.Prices in some ZIP codes in Glendale, Hollywood and Santa Monica have experienced year-over-year increases as high as 40%.格伦代尔(Glendale)、好莱坞和圣塔莫妮卡(SantaMonica)的一些地区的房价年增率高达40%。

9.He will be buried in the suburb of Los Angeles at Glendale Forest-Lawn memorial park.杰克逊将被葬在洛杉矶郊外“森林草坪”公墓。

10.Apple opened its first retail store on 19 May 2001, in Glendale, Capfornia.2001年5月19日,第一家苹果商店在加州格兰岱尔市开业。