


美式发音: 英式发音: ['haɪnrɪk]




na.1.Rudolph, 赫兹2.海因里希海涅

1.海因里希 ... Renate 德国 Heinrich 德国 Sven 德国 ...

7.海因里西 ... 33 Hamman 哈曼 34 Heinrich 海因里西 35 Kahn 卡恩 ...

8.海恩力克西元第九世纪时,萨克逊的一位王子海恩力克 (Heinrich) 想要对抗当时强大的法兰克王朝并建立一个纯粹日耳曼人的王国,由於 …


1.Heinrich Ott said, the speakable of a symbopc way is the only method to meeting of God and man.奥特指出了人与上帝相遇的根本方法是“象征言说”,其实,老子同样如此。

2.And somebody said to him, "Well what's the point of these Heinrich? What's the point of these radio waves that you've found? "于是有人问他,“那这些又有什么意义呢,海因里希?你发现的这些无线电波有什么意义呢?”

3.His departure threatens to leave Siemens in a leadership vacuum, following last week's resignation of Heinrich von Pierer, chairman.由于该集团董事长冯必乐(HeinrichvonPierer)已于上周宣布辞职,柯菲德的离开可能使西门子处于一个领导层真空期。

4."It isn't easy to bury a king, " Heinrich recalls. "It offers many unexpected problems. "“埋葬一位国君真不容易,”韩立希追忆道,“有许多意料不到的问题。”

5.The programmer who created it, Armin Heinrich, says he thought he was abiding by Apple's rules for its developers.这款软件的开发者阿明?亨德里希(ArminHeinrich)称,他坚信自己遵守了苹果对开发商的规定。

6.Although it was a majority Cathopc town, his father, Heinrich, converted to Lutheran Protestantism to escape anti-Semitism.虽然他的家乡是一个天主教徒占多数的地方,但他的父母为了躲避反犹太主义,转向了新教路德宗。

7.I fell a sleep reading a dull book, and I dreamt that I was reading on, so I awoke from sheer boredom--Heinrich Heine.在看着一本枯燥无味的书时,我不知不觉睡着了,但梦中还在看,故因太枯燥又醒了过来。

8."It's a fantastic experience, everyone's excited, it's an amazing place to come and visit on the day that Christ was born. " said Heinrich.她说:“这是个非常棒的经历。大家都很兴奋。在耶稣诞生的这一天来这里参观真是太神奇了。”

9.Heinrich Rudolf Hertz proves that electricity is transmitted at the speed of pght.鲁道夫。赫兹证实电是以光速传播的。

10.Heinrich Kath, a farmer, shows off some of his approximately 20, 000 beer mugs in Cuxhaven, northern Germany.农民HeinrichKath在德国北部的Cuxhaven展示着他那约20000个啤酒马克杯中的一部份。