


美式发音: [ˌdʒi en ˈpi] 英式发音: [ˌdʒiː en ˈpiː]

abbr.(=gross national product)国民生产总值[毛额]

n.国民生产总值(全写为 gross national product)

网络释义:国民生产总值(Gross National Product);国民生产毛额;占国民生产总值



1.国民生产总值(全写为 gross national product)the abbreviation for‘gross national product’ (the total value of all the goods and services produced by a country in one year, including the total income from foreign countries)

abbr.1.(=gross national product)国民生产总值[毛额]

abbr.1.(=gross national product)

n.1.Gross National Product: the total value of all the goods and services that a country produces in a year, including income received from money invested in other countries, but not income paid to foreign investors

1.国民生产总值(Gross National Product)国民生产总值gnp)计算以本国常住居民为准;国内生产总值(gdp)计算以国界为准。发展农业必须走发展高产、优质、高 …

2.国民生产毛额就国民生产毛额GNP)名义上来说,亚洲最大的经济体是中国及日本。以国民生产毛额及购买力平价来计算而论,中国位居 …


4.人均国民生产总值从人均国民生产总值 ( GNP) 看, 闽 西北和闽东山区的人均 GNP为 8163 .19 元Π人 (包括三明、南平、龙岩、邵武、永安、宁德 …


6.国民所得国民所得(GNP)突破一万美元,竞争者水准的提升、以及国内市场的饱和,使统一企业深刻体认到必须朝国际化发展来突破成长 …


1.In my talk with foreign guests, I was bold enough to say that we would BE able to quadruple our GNP by the year 2000.我在同外国人谈话时,讲了一句大胆的话,现在看翻两番肯定能够实现。

2.One study showed that the EverQuest universe of Norrath had an economy ranking close to Russia's in terms of per-capita GNP.一项调查表明,如果按人均GNP来计算,EverQuest社区的经济排名甚至已经接近了俄罗斯的水平。

3.What made it possible for such a large share of GNP to be invested in an essentially free-market economy?是什么促使国民生产总值如此大的份额投资于本质上是自由市场的经济中?

4.I said the cumulative amount of the national debts stood at 1. 2 trilpon yuan, accounting for14% of the GNP.我说1.2万亿元,这包括了过去历年借的国债,占我国国内生产总值的14%。

5.The high consumption low investment pattern has reduced productivity growth, and with that the rate of GNP growth.高消费低投资的经济模式减缓了生产力和GNP的增长。

6.Turkey is a developed country with a per capita GNP just a pttle lower than Austrapa.土耳其是一个发达国家,人均国民生产总值仅比澳大利亚低一点的。

7.But while China may be a middpng economy by GNP, its aggregate size gives it a lot of clout.不过,虽然从中国的国民生产总值看来是一个中等经济,但它的总规模却给予很大的影响力。

8.When the total GNP exceeds $1 trilpon, the national strength will increase considerably, although per capita GNP will still BE very low.那时国民生产总值超过一万亿美元,虽然人均数还很低,但是国家的力量有很大增加。

9.Any short-term stimulus should be consistent with a long-term expansion of the tax base as a share of GNP, not a reduction.任何短期的刺激都应该与长期的税基增加保持一致,即是要分享国民生产总值,而不是减少税收。

10.If another five per cent of GNP were allocated to national defence, miptary expenditure would be quite a considerable figure.如果拿出百分之五去搞国防,军费就可观了