


美式发音: [loʊˈzæn] 英式发音: [ləuˈzæn]





un.1.capital of Vaud Canton, western Switzerland, on Lake Geneva.

1.洛桑 hit n. 成功而风行一时的事物(如歌曲等) Lausanne (瑞士城市)洛桑 microwave adj. 微波(的) ...



1.The photos were shot by art students in Lausanne, Switzerland, and I was surprised to see that no one showed a disabled person or body.那些作品是由瑞士洛桑的一些艺术学生拍摄的。我很惊奇地发现,他们中没有一个人在作品中展现了身心障碍人士或者他们的身体。

2.Well, he was still helping her a year later, then; for somebody met 'em pving at Lausanne together.可一年之后他仍然在继续帮助她呢。有人在洛桑亲眼看见他们住在一起。

3.The seventh Diamond League meeting of the year took place in Lausanne, Switzerland on Thursday.今年钻石联赛的第七站比赛周四在瑞士的洛桑举行。

4.International Olympic Committee headquarters in the world "garden city, " said the Lausanne, Switzerland.国际奥委会总部设在有世界“花园城市”之称的瑞士洛桑。

5.Breakneck expansion into Asia has even prompted the bank to start recruiting at the famous hotel school in Lausanne .由于该行以极快的速度在亚洲扩张,甚至已促使其开始在洛桑著名的酒店学校招聘。

6.Lausanne was by the ALPS on the North, Geneva Lake on the South with quite a few international companies headquartered here.山城洛桑北靠阿尔卑斯山,南临日内瓦湖,很多国际性跨国公司的总部都设在这里。

7.Nonetheless, the Lausanne scientists could collect the pheromones by simply stressing mice and sucking up the air around them.然而,洛桑的科学家们能够通过对小鼠简单地增加压力并且吸取牠们周围的空气来收集信息素。

8.Its domicile is in Lausanne, Switzerland, The mission of the IOC is to lead the Olympic Movement in accordance with the Olympic charter.其总部设在瑞士洛桑。国际奥林匹克委员会的任务是按照《奥林匹克宪章》领导奥林匹克运动。

9.the headquarters of IOC and the Museum collections were moved to the Villa Mon Repos in Lausanne and stayed there for the next years.年,国际奥委会的总部和博物馆的收藏品被转移到洛桑的蒙雷珀别墅,并从此在那里安顿下来。

10.He would have preferred Lausanne or Grenoble because of the potential for skiing but neither repped to his apppcation.他本来倾向去瑞士洛桑或法国格勒诺布尔的大学,因为在那里可以滑雪,但这两个地方的学校都没有回复他的申请。