


na.“Come back”的变体;回来;追溯到;回顾



1.回去 搞野餐 hold a picnic 回去 Going back 回来 Coming back ...

2.回家 ... 蜘蛛侠 The Spider Man 回家 Going Back 海滩 The Beach ...

3.回到过去 ... The Legacy 遗产 Going Back 回到过去 Losing a Wife,Mother,and Daughter 她已逝,生 …

4.回头 ... 游览江沙皇城和霹雳河风景区。 K.Kangsar town and palace area tour. 启程回家 going back 到吉隆坡 arrive at KL. ...


1.But today was quite different. I'm going back to Auckland today and I've got to be out of the bed by seven.不过今天起的算比较早,因为我们要回奥克兰了,所以七点钟就从被窝里被抓了出来。

2.France says, I AM GOING back. . . England, said slowly, wait for me, Italy said, 2 days as you and I together back to. . .法国说;我先回去了啊……英格兰说,慢点,等等我;意大利说;等2天我和你一起回去…中国说;

3.I've made it clear going back over the summer that stopping all of the tax hikes was one of our main priorities for this lame-duck session.今年夏季的时候我已经说的很清楚,要停止所有赋税增加,这是我们在这次跛脚鸭会议上要优先考虑的事情。

4.If it does not, try going back and sorting again for main divisions, to see if another general pattern is possible.如果不能这样做的话,就试着重来,重新挑选得出主要分类,看看另一个常规模式是否可用。

5.Proof of this can be determined by dropping a baby tooth into a glass of it, then going back the next morning to find most of it eaten away.我们来终结这个流言:将一颗牙齿仍在可乐玻璃杯里,第二天早上回来发现大部分被蚕食了。

6.It is a history going back a century of how the idea came into being, and of the motivations of the economists who developed it.这是一部史书,回顾了一个世纪以来该思想的产生,以及经济学家发展和完善这一理论的动机。

7.In an age of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, flashing pghts might seem pke going back to sending messages with an Aldis lamp.在这个Wi-Fi和蓝牙横行的时代里,使用闪光可能有点像回到用奥尔迪斯手提信号灯发送信息的年代。

8.He made it out okay and spoke to his wife to say he was going back in to help those that were still trapped.本来他已平安地逃了出来,但他又对妻子说他要回去营救那些仍然被困的人们。

9.It certainly is possible to "cheat" in an open relationship -- by going back on an agreement or lying.在开放的性关系中,“欺骗”当然也是可能的——回去重新达成协议或撒谎吧。

10.Speaking of being a mother, I've been meaning to ask you what you were thinking about regarding going back to work.谈到做母亲,我一直想问你,关于回去上班的事你是怎么想的?