


网络释义:气油比(gas oil ratio);大洋路(Great Ocean Road);造水比(Gained output ration)


1.气油比(gas oil ratio)溶解气油比GOR),原油地层体积系数,总体积系数,原油的压缩系数。实验室测定原油的PVT参数 1.4 气液平衡,油气分 …

2.大洋路(Great Ocean Road)几年都没有6点钟起床了.太阳都还在刷牙,我们就已经到了city,坐上bus,驶向Great ocean road(GOR).山路十八弯,弯到让我想起 …

3.造水比(Gained output ration)水厂的生产能力和造水比GOR)本质上取决于效数以及蒸汽供应量和压力。它们几乎 不受季节性海水温度的变化和/或由于结 …


1.Ah Mui said such report is not fair to the kid. She said that magazine is the enemy of Gor Gor , is one of the murderers.阿梅称这报道对细路仔(指霆锋)不公平,她称某传媒是哥哥(张国荣)的仇人,是凶手之一。

2.ESP product design must be combine with the high-GOR well theory calculating, and must be able to fit the high-GOR well further more.潜油电泵产品设计必须与中高含气井的理论计算相结合,才能使产品更适应高含气井的要求。

3.Actually Gor Gor always wished to direct a movie of his won, this wish has not been fulfilled yet.其实哥哥一直以来都有个心愿未了,就是执起导演筒拍摄一套属于自己的电影。

4.The ringback tones are usually the peak part of a song, lasting just 15 seconds gor fear of bringing heavy burden to communication network.彩铃一般都悬挂用歌曲的高潮部分,通常都控制在15秒内,以免给通信网络带来过重的负担。

5.Ah Mui mentioned that Gor Gor 's death made her reapzed that she has to spend more time with people around her and care about them more.阿梅指哥哥的事件令她有所顿悟,希望放多些时间关怀身边的人。

6.The program and the instance of calculation were given, this software can solve the problem of the design for high-GOR well ESP system.作者开发了相应的计算机程序,并给出了设计计算实例,程序可解决高含气井潜油电泵系统设计一般问题。

7.She lost temper when talked about the whole thing, and said Gor Gor died partly because of this magazine.阿梅谈起此事就大发脾气,还指哥哥过世都是因为某传媒所累。

8.Remove screws attaching the adjuster to the grille opening reinforcement (GOR).拆卸用以固定调整器至格栅口加固板的螺丝。

9.At last they gor the telegram they had been expecting.最后他们收到了他们一直盼望之电报。

10.His house gor burned down but he soon got over the tragedy.他家房子烧了,不过他很快就从这一悲剧中振作起来。