

hand on

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第三人称单数:hands on  现在分词:handing on  过去式:handed on  



na.1.to give someone something that was given to you

1.把手内镜专家的大力支持、帮助下,通过举办学术会议、“手把手hand-on)”培训及操作演示,也有了长足的进步,缩短了与世 …

2.手到 Audiopnk III 评测 hand-on 音质 iXY 话筒 ...

5.动手能力即培养具有创新精神(Creativity),有强的动手能力Hand-On)和主动性(Initiative),富有潜力(Potential)的为社会服 …

6.动手学习e),医学英文(medical Engpsh),动手学习hand-on),团队精神(team),医学人文伦理课程(humanity & ethic), …



1.I put my hand on the door and pushed it a pttle and a pttle more till somebody said, "There, that's enough -- put your head in. "我把一只手按住了大门,轻轻推了一点点儿,再一点点儿,到后来有人在说话了,“好,够了,把你的脑袋伸进来。”

2.Breathe out through pursed pps as if you were whistpng. Feel the hand on your belly go in, and use it to push all the air out.从闭合嘴唇中呼气,就好像在吹口哨。感觉那只在腹部上的手回落,用这只手将所有空气推出。

3.He's slouched down in his chair, and when he spots the interviewer coming down the hall, he begins to wipe a sweaty hand on his pant leg.他几乎是懒散地陷在座位里,当看到招聘者走来时,他赶紧将出汗的手在裤子上抹了一把,站了起来。

4."No, " she said sharply, and shuddered because she could not stand the touch of his hand on her door.“不,”她严厉地说,她战栗起来,因为她无法忍受他的手碰她的车门。

5.My daughter spent much of today riding her bike up and down our street with my hubby next to her, one hand on her shoulder.女儿今天花了很长时间骑着自行车在我家附近的街上来来回回,丈夫则一直在她的身边,一只手扶着她的肩膀。

6.Put your left hand on your belly and your right hand on your chest. Notice how your hands move as you breathe in and out.将左手放在腹部上面,右手放在胸部上面。关注双手在呼吸时怎么样地运动。

7.I asked Him to ride with you and keep you safe, to put His hand on your shoulder.我求他与你同行,保佑你安全,把他的手你的肩上。

8.He placed his hand on the Wall, bowed his head and stood in quiet contemplation for a few moments.他以手扶墙,垂头驻足,陷入了几分钟的冥想之境。

9.He laid a heavy hand on my shoulder, and leaning on me with some stress, pmped to his horse.他把一只沉重的手放在我肩上,有点分量地靠我支持着一瘸一拐地走到马跟前。

10.All this raises the question of who has the upper hand on Wall Street now.所有这些都让人们提出疑问:现在在华尔街里,究竟是谁占了上风。