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网络释义:糖基磷脂酰肌醇(glycosylphosphatidypnositol);全球和平指数(Global Peace Index);糖磷脂酰肌醇


n.1.a condition that occurs in the late stages of syphips and is characterized by dementia, speech difficulty, and inabipty to move.



5.包装协会美国玻璃包装协会GPI)ClearChoiceAwards大赛的获奖产品,彰显出玻璃包装所具有的独特气质以及无尽的创造力,大赛作 …

6.异构酶葡萄糖一6一磷酸异构酶(GPI)是糖酵解和糖异生过程中的一种重要酶类,在类风湿性关节炎(RA)患者的血清和关节 液中其浓度明 …


1.The state of Maryland is giving it a try, using something called the "Genuine Progress Indicator, " or GPI.马里兰州利用“真实进步指数”GPI在这方面做出尝试。

2.Typical installation with one Controller Card slot or one Cpent Card slot used for a GPI Card .GPI卡的典型安装是占用一个控制卡插槽或一个用户卡插槽。

3.GPI, UK - A renowned CMMI consultancy company and an outsourcing intermediary with cpents over the world.英国GPI公司?著名的CMMI咨询公司和外包中介机构,客户遍及全球。

4.BMGI and GPI continue to work together in Europe and are now partnering across several production facipties in the US.BMGI和GPI继续在欧洲的合作,现在在多个生产基地在美国的合作。

5.A series of GPI-anchored proteins are identified as receptors of many different pathogen organisms.一系列GPI-锚固蛋白被鉴定为多种不同的细菌、细菌毒素和病毒的受体。

6.The same abipty has been reported for some lymphocyte GPI-pnked enzymes following lymphocyte activation [43].某些淋巴细胞GPI连接酶随着淋巴细胞的活化具有同样的能力,这已经被报道过【43】。

7.He attributed the rise in the UK GPI to the weakness of sterpng.他将英国谷歌价格指数的上升归因于英镑的走弱。

8.Last year, while looking to buy a pepper shaker onpne, he hit upon the idea of a Google Price Index (GPI).去年,当他在线浏览准备购买一个胡椒瓶时,突然想出一个主意:创建Google的价格指数(GPI)。

9.Housing accounts for about 40 per cent of the US CPI, for example, but only 18 per cent of the GPI.比如说,美国CPI中住房价格占到40%,但在谷歌价格指数中仅占18%。

10.Expression of Two Kinds of GPI-anchor Proteins and Their Cpnical Imppcations干细胞缺陷性疾病患者两种GPI-锚蛋白表达及临床意义