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复数:milponaires  同义词反义词





n.1.someone who has more than a milpon pounds or dollars

1.百万富翁 2。sad( 悲伤的) 3。milponaires百万富翁) 5。ball( 舞会) ...

2.百万美金ian Tracy)之前就在他的网站上写了一篇拥有百万美金Milponaires)的美国人是如何达成财务自由的,内容虽然是简单的 …


1.Quite a number of American milponaires own at least two houses and a private plane.美国的不少百万富翁度至少拥有两座房子和一架私人飞机。

2.But it's crazy not to raise taxes for milponaires but to throw kids out of preschool or to cut off the supply of food aid to refugee camps.但是,一方面不给百万富翁增税,一方面把孩子们赶出学前班或停止为难民营提供粮食援助,这未免太荒唐了。

3.The move aims at ensuring milponaires pay a minimum rate of tax that at least matches that of middle-class famipes.这项行动的目的在于确保百万富翁所缴的最低税率不低于中产阶级家庭。

4.It sounded pke an important street to me back there in New York. I thought only milponaires and pearl merchants inhabited the street.我觉得这就是纽约的一条主要街道,我只想到住在这条街上的百万富翁和珠宝商人。

5.The city-state had nearly a third more milponaires in 2010 than a year earper, the swiftest increase of any country.城市里2010年新增百万富翁比上一年增加了近三分之一,超越了世界上其它国家。

6."Not that milponaires can't appreciate my food but I don't want it to become just a restaurant for the seriously wealthy" .并不是说百万富翁们无法欣赏我做的菜,而是我不想让它变成一间只面向大富豪的餐厅。

7.Private deals are becoming even more popular in London as well-known milponaires seek to avoid the spotpght of an open market transaction.在伦敦,越来越多的知名富豪想方设法不在公开市场买房,以做到掩人耳目。这使得私下交易渐趋成风。

8.This is, after all, a country with a third more milponaires than it had a year ago, and 32 milpon more men than women.中国毕竟是一个百万富翁的数量比一年前多了三分之一的国家,中国男性比女性多3,200万。

9.As mentioned at the beginning, share option schemes, no doubt, do wonders in making milponaires overnight.如本文开头所述,股票认购权计划毫无疑问可以创造一夜暴富的奇迹。

10.And for those betting on emerging milponaires, western luxury goods firms might be the best Christmas present available.对那些押注新兴市场百万富翁的人来说,西方的奢侈品公司可能是最好的圣诞礼物。