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1.玻璃纤维增强水泥玻璃纤维增强水泥(grc)的性能与应用 全部作者 : 方晓铭 王旭峰 第一作者单位 : 同济大学土木工程学院 论文摘要 : 本文对新 …

2.水泥构件本公司主要经营水泥构件GRC),石膏类,砂岩制品,玻璃钢制品,铜类等。本公司秉承“顾客至上,锐意进取”的经营理念,坚持“ …

3.合规治理、风险与合规(GRC)Oracle解决方案及软件介绍 ========================================================…

4.地热资源委员会(Geothermal Resources Council)据美国地热资源委员会 (GRC) 1990年的调查,世界上18个国家(包括中华民国的宜兰清水地热发电厂)有地热发电,总装机容量5…

5.玻璃纤维强化水泥(Glass Reinforced Ccment)甚麽是玻璃纤维强化水泥(GRC) 玻璃纤维强化水泥(GRC)是由耐硷玻璃纤维、水泥、沙和石混合而成之产品,是一种集轻质、 …

6.全球研究咨询(GLOBAL REACH CONSULTING)  按照GLOBAL REACH CONSULTING (GRC)公司在研究制定运输和物流公司商业计划框架内所进行的运输物流服务市场调研的 …


1.As you can see, there is a lot involved in these GRC tools, both in terms of the evaluation as well as in the implementation.正如您所看到的那样,无论是在评估方面还是实现方面,GRC工具都涉及到很多东西。

2.The elder Mr Lee, now 87, warned voters in Mr Low's target GRC, Aljunied, that they would have five years to "repent" if they voted him in.已经87岁的李光耀警告刘程强目标集选区Aljunied的选民们,如果刘程强获胜,他们要“后悔”五年。

3.Judging from the campaign so far, they certainly have the best hope in a long time of taking down a prized GRC.从迄今为止的竞选情况判断,他们肯定拥有长期以来夺取宝贵集选区的最大希望。

4.But in an emerging market, it makes perfect sense that agile young companies can dominate big players who have come late to the game.但GRC市场正处于上升期,年轻而灵活的公司是完全可以打败那些在这个领域起步较晚的大公司。

5.Firstly, the basic concept of RS and GrC theory is introduced, the theory of GrC model based on tolerance relation especially.首先,介绍了粗糙集理论、粒计算理论等基本知识,尤其是基于相容关系粒计算模型理论。

6.Devi Art sandstone, GRC produced in a production factory in Dongguan headquarters, and in Guangzhou are professional processing plant.德维艺术砂岩、GRC制作在东莞总部设有制作工厂外,并在广州设有专业的加工工厂。

7.How does your existing security apparatus integrate with your intended GRC tool?您现有的安全设备如何与您中意的GRC工具集成使用?

8.It might surprise you that GRC platforms from enterprise software giants pke SAP have been beaten out by much smaller vendors.你也许会感到惊奇,像SAP这样的企业软件巨头却比不过那些规模小得多的厂商。

9.The Workers' Party, the biggest of the six main opposition parties, is concentrating its firepower in just one GRC, Aljunied.六个主要反对党中规模最大的工人党正将其火力集中于单单一个集选区——阿裕尼(Aljunied)。

10.Granular computing (GrC) is an emerging theory which simulates the process of human brain understanding and solving problems.粒计算是一种新的智能信息处理理论,它很大程度上模拟了人脑认识和解决问题的过程。