




1.绿色森林 ... 02 与鹰同行 Travel With Hawk 03 绿色森林 Green Forest 04 天舞 Fairy Dance ...

2.绿光森林 狂怒的激流图片 Raging Torrent 绿色森林图片 Green Forest 议长圆锥体图片 Speaker Cone ...

5.绿光深林 Green Grass of Home 缘来自有机 Green forest绿光深林》 Guts of Man 肝胆崑仑 ...

6.绿色的森林 ... 01 无止境之旅 Endless journey 02 绿色的森林 Green forest 03 蛇乐 Le snake ...


1.But he never returned; for by this time he had flown far away into the lovely green forest.可是这燕子不再回来了,无疑地,他已经飞向很远很远的、美丽的、青翠的树林里去了。

2.It turned out that Turner had a mining colony, and later lost a green forest, which is local, Ballarat to help.原来,特纳曾在某殖民地开矿,后来失利,成为绿林,也就是当地的,巴勒拉特帮。

3.North of the Olympic Village, the venues near Whistler appear as patchworks of green forest interrupted by long, thin trails of snowy white.奥运村以北,惠斯勒村附近的比赛场馆交错的分布在被细长雪白的积雪地带包围的绿色的森林中,仿佛一幅拼贴画。

4.The murmuring brook in the green forest flowed past glorious wild flowers which decorated the pttle house there.翠绿的树林里,一条小溪潺潺流过,灿烂的野花装点着林间的小屋。

5.When it finally calmed, he heard a vehicle coming up the logging road and saw a pale green forest service jeep.当心跳终于缓下来以后,他听到一辆汽车停在伐木路上,看到一个浅绿色的森林服务吉普车。

6.They only knew that where there once had been nothing, now a lush green forest.他们只知道那里曾经什么也没有,而现在是繁茂翠绿的森林。

7.The wind in the green forest.绿森林里风清扬。

8.But we fly long, long time, but also did not find, the original lush green forest only a bare of trees.可是我们飞了很久很久,也没有找到,原本翠绿茂盛的森林只剩下一片光秃秃的树头。

9.Beneath the hovering hepcopter, an ugly mud-orange clearing has been cut for it from the lush green forest.在悬停的直升机下方,郁郁葱葱的森林中刚被清出了一块丑陋的土黄色空地,用于种植油棕榈。

10.Some Canadian views hang on the walls-green forest and blue water scenery-and in the midst of them blazes a night eruption of Vesuvius.墙上挂着一些加拿大的风景画--苍翠的树林湛蓝的海景--在这些风景画中间,有一幅维苏戚火山爆发的夜景。