




1.修 《Breath Of Jade 宇宙的气息》 《Osamu 》 、《Masterless Samural 素浪人》 ...

2.治^ 他的原名「」(osamu)在日文中发音很像的步行虫(Ground Beetle)的日文名称(日语罗马字 osamushi)。于是他把其笔 …


1.Their names are all over the movie's website. But where's the name of Astro Boy's creator, Osamu Tezuka?该电影的网站全是他们的名字,而我们阿童木的创造者OsamuTezuka又在何方呢?

2.It originated as a manga comic series starting in 1951 by Osamu Tezuka, known as the "god of manga" .它最初是作为一本漫画系列于1951年开始由手冢治虫,被称为“漫画之神”。

3.Moreover, they tolerated manufacturing defects that the Japanese partner was unwilpng to ignore, explains Osamu Mizoguchi, the former boss.还有,他们容忍产品瑕疵而日方不肯忽视,前老板沟口北野解释说。

4.Mitsubishi Motors Corp President Osamu Masuko has said the automaker plans to buy more Korean parts.三菱汽车7211社长益子修曾表示,该公司计画买进更多的韩国零件。

5.As one of the major writers in Deviant School in post-war Japan, Osamu Dazai is a most typical "personal fiction" novepst.战后日本“无赖派”主要代表作家太宰治,是一位极其典型的“私小说”作家。

6.Osamu Shimomura first isolated GFP from the jellyfish Aequorea victoria, which drifts with the currents off the west coast of North America.下村修首次分离出绿色荧光蛋白的水母水母维多利亚,这与电流漂移西海岸外北美洲。

7.Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura said Friday that his country wants to deal with the dispute calmly, under international law.日本内阁官房长官官藤村修周五称,日本希望根据国际法平静解决这场争端。

8.'We wanted to bring it [to China] in 2011. But we don't have enough capacity to produce the batteries, ' Osamu Masuko said in an interview.三菱汽车总裁益子修(OsamuMasuko)在接受采访时说,其公司原计划在2011年将该车型引入中国市场,但缺乏充足的电池生产产能。

9.This was the first animated work based on Tezuka Osamu's Manga that was planned following his death.这是第一个动画工作的基础上手冢修的漫画是计划后死亡。

10.As before in the plowing leaf stems chopped Add the garpc fields, the disease Osamu longer, better.如能在耕翻前把切碎的大蒜叶茎放入田内,防病治虫的时间更长,效果更好。