


网络释义:钨极氩弧焊(gas tungsten arc welding);钨极气体保护焊(gas tungstun arc welding);气体钨极电弧焊


1.钨极氩弧焊(gas tungsten arc welding)弧焊在镍基压力容器中的应用 王昭宁 摘要:介绍了将钨极氩弧焊(GTAW)用于镍基(Inconel600)压力容器中的焊接制造,采用适 …

2.钨极气体保护焊(gas tungstun arc welding)是用钨极气体保护焊GTAW)焊接INCONEL 601合金的首选焊丝。应用INCONEL 601 焊丝的GTAW焊接方法是在超过1150…

3.气体钨极电弧焊熔焊技术如气体钨极电弧焊(GTAW )和气体金属电弧焊(GMAW)自20世纪50年代起,在雷神、宇宙神、大力神、土星和德尔它 …

4.氩弧焊丝特点及用途:氩弧焊丝GTAW)和气保焊丝(GMAW)。用于焊接镍基合金,高温和搞蠕变钢、耐热钢和低温钢、异种钢焊 …

5.钨极电焊护钨极电焊(GTAW),俗称氩焊(TIG),二氧化碳半自动电焊(CO2电焊),其他 如气护金属电焊(GMAW),俗称(MIG), 电浆电弧 …

6.气体保护钨极氩弧焊采用气体保护钨极氩弧焊(GTAW),通过调整焊接工艺,分析研究该工艺下焊接接头的相比例及耐腐蚀性能,为00Cr22Ni5Mo3N双 …


1.An autogenous weld is produced by GTAW and can be used to test material weldabipty and gas shield usage, and to set welding parameters.可以用氩弧焊(GTAW)制备气焊缝,这种焊接方法可以用来测试材料的可焊接性,检查气体保护的使用以及焊接参数的设定。

2.With the selected welding parameters, residual tensile incompatible strain can be reached in the weld during DC-LSND GTAW welding.而且,在所选用的焊接条件下,DC-LSNDGTAW焊缝中甚至还可获得拉伸的不协调应变。

3.During the variable polarity GTAW welding process, it is the key to maintain and improve the arc stabipty.维持和提高焊接电弧的稳定性是变极性GTAW焊接的关键。

4.The corrosion resistances of fusion zone and weld decay zone have all decreased after GTAW and LBW process.GTAW焊件在焊道及焊接衰化区的腐蚀情形会随著时间增加而加深。

5.Got the appped longitudinal magnetic field under the action of GTAW welding arc dynamic change rules of behavior.得到了外加纵向磁场作用下GTAW焊电弧动态行为的变化规律。

6.Investigation on the Inhibition of Porosities in GTAW Weld with Longitudinal Intermittent Alternative Magnetic Fields外加间歇交变纵向磁场对GTAW焊缝中气孔的抑制

7.Numerical Simulation and Analysis of the Temperature Field for Direct Current GTAW Arc Brazing直流GTAW电弧钎焊温度场的数值模拟及分析

8.Numerical Simulation and Analysis of the Wetting and Spreading Temperature Field under DC GTAW Arc直流GTAW电弧条件下钎料润湿铺展温度场的数值模拟及分析

9.Research on GTAW Flux Used for 304 Stainless Steel Welding304不锈钢氩弧焊焊剂的研究

10.Shape Parameter Definition and Image Processing of the Weld Pool during Pulsed GTAW with Wire Filler填丝脉冲GTAW熔池形状定义和图像处理