




1.卡罗 金生 KINSON 开罗 KARO 肯他 KENTLU ...

5.卡萝 明咒。“盘昙” bandham, 结,缚,结界也。“迦嚧karo, 作。“弥” mi, ...


1.I've tried to retire him to Austrapa, but he says he wants to remain and die on Karo-Karo.我一直想把他撤回澳大利亚,可是他说,他宁肯在卡罗-卡罗终老天年。

2.The critical velocity of the Karo syrup would be 100 miles per hour for a quarter-inch ball bearing.滚珠的临界速度,是每小时100英里,低得多。

3.None of the newly confirmed cases is associated with the family cluster in Karo, North Sumatra.这些新确诊病例均与北苏门答腊Karo的家庭病例群集无关联。

4.With under a thousand members, the Karo are the smallest of the valley's four main tribes.有不到1000名成员,Karo是最小的山谷中的四个主要部落之一。

5.A volunteer prepares breakfast for villagers at a camp in the district of Tanah Karo, in Indonesia's North Sumatra province.答腊省卡罗区一个营房内志愿者为村民准备着早餐,印尼北部苏门答腊省。

6.And we have chosen for Karo pght It may interest you that two tablespoons is 180 calories.我们选择,玉米糖浆。,that,Karo,pght,corn,syrup。,你们也许会感兴趣,两勺是180卡路里。

7.Peter: Hi! karo. Wait for me. wait for me.彼得:你好!卡罗。等等我,等等我!

8.Here is this container with the Karo syrup.这是装入Karo糖浆的容器。

9.Thick smoke and ash spew from the summit of Mount Sinabung as seen in this night-time long exposure from Tanah Karo in North Sumatra从这张夜间在苏门答腊北部丹纳卡罗拍摄的长时间曝光图片上可见锡纳朋山顶喷涌出浓厚的烟雾和灰烬。