


网络释义:绿茶婊(GREEN TEA BITCH);法拉利


1.绿茶婊(GREEN TEA BITCH)绿茶婊」于是被众多网友接力,下了一个操作型定义:「GREEN TEA BITCH(GTB)特指那些装纯的婊子……爱装出岁月静好 …

2.法拉利 兰博基尼 Gallar... 法拉利 GTB 捷豹 XK ...


1.We hung GtB information posters on the wall, displayed some GtB badges and a guestbook on the table.我们在墙上挂上GtB的宣传资料,在桌上摆好GtB的徽章和来访者留言薄。

2.Estabpsh an annual fund for Beijing based interactive art projects which further the goals of GtB in the greener years to come.为北京互动艺术项目设立年度基金,用以完成点废成绿日后更多的绿色目标。

3.All participating members volunteer their time, energy, and talent to GtB in aims of improving Beijing's urban environment.为了改善北京的市区环境,点费成绿的成员们献出了他们宝贵的时间,精力和才能。

4.GTB: I think what we have here is just a simple misunderstanding.我想我们之间只是有一个小小的误会。

5.As a member of Greening the Beige (GtB), I arrived at Yingdong Conference Center of Beijing Normal University at 7: 30 in the morning.作为点废成绿(GtB)的志愿者,我在这天早上7:30到达了北京师范大学英东会堂。

6.While based on the 599 GTB Fiorano with the same transaxle layout and engine type, this prototype is an extreme track car.虽然根据车型599GTBFiorano具有相同的布局和发动机桥型,这是一种极端的原型车赛道。

7.Schumacher will run a series of laps on Sunday afternoon in both his F2005 and Ferrari's latest road car, the 599 GTB Fiorano.舒马赫将会在周日下午驾驶F2005赛车和法拉利最新的民用车599GTBFiorano在那里跑上几圈。

8.GTB: All I know is that it seems my parents were right about you stinky humans.我只知道我父母对你们这些臭人类的看法似乎是对的。

9.Ferrari's HY-KERS concept, shown at the 2010 Geneva car show, a hybrid concept based on the 599 GTB Fiorano.2010年日内瓦车展上展示了法拉利的HY-KERS概念技术,这项混合动力技术基于559GTBFiorano而研发。