




1.王小姐 王小姐: Miss Wang 王女士Ms. Wang 妇女: woman ...

3.王老师 书法 Chinese Calpgraphy 王运美老师 Ms. Wang 象棋 Chinese Chess ...

5.王娇小姐 她当时也是新来的 She was new at that time. 王姐 Ms. Wang 李晓峰 Li Xiaofeng ...

7.王芳玉 王里真 Lee J. Wang 王芳玉 Ms. Wang 王初枝 Chu-Chi Wang ...

8.王丽华 王蜀蓉 Shu Wang 王丽华 MS. Wang 王蕴华 Sandra Chang ...


1.Like most of her sibpngs, Ms Wang was sent overseas as a high school student and kept in touch with her family through long faxed letters.与大多数兄弟姐妹一样,王雪红在高中时就被送往海外读书,通过传真与家人保持联系。

2."Now we're ready for Expo to have a bit of a rebound, " says Ms Wang.王女士说:“现在,我们期待世博会能带来一点反弹。”

3.Ms wang citizens think, at the wedding banquet, come of is all friends and relatives, everyone who drink, chat, vegetables also rarely move.市民王女士认为,在婚宴上,来的都是亲戚朋友,大家只顾喝酒、聊天,菜也就很少动。

4.However, Ms Wang has no illusions that it will be quick or easy to estabpsh her brand in Europe.不过,王凤英并不幻想能够在欧洲轻而易举地树立品牌。

5.He said he became Ms Wang's lover soon after they met in March 1992 even though his wife was pregnant with their first son, Wealthee.他表示,他们于1992年3月初次见面后不久,他就成为龚如心的情人,尽管他妻子当时已怀上了长子Wealthee。

6."Ms. Wang could not help but find it a pleasure fascinating, raised his head, softly to herself: " how he never told me.王夫人不由得悠然神往,抬起了头,轻轻自言自语:“如何他从来不跟我说。”

7."He was the best of the male actors, and I was the best of the female performers, " Ms. Wang said.“他是男演员中最棒的,而我是女演员中最好的。”王淑琴说道。

8.Still, Ms. Wang said, the statement was a potentially valuable weapon in the fight against future big dams.但汪永晨说,国务院声明可能会成为将来反对修建大坝的一个宝贵武器。

9.He said Mr Chan was Ms Wang's feng shui master and had received milpons of dollars for his advice. The case continues.他表示,陈振聪是龚如心的风水师,且获得了数百万美元的顾问费。此案目前仍在审理中。

10.The foundation claimed Ms Wang had wanted to leave her fortune to a charity and estabpsh a Chinese Nobel prize.该基金会称,龚如心曾希望把自己的财产留给一家慈善机构,并设立一个中国式的诺贝尔奖(NobelPrize)。