




1.捷达王 ... Creative Labs X-Fi Fatal1ty 声卡,最后得分为4.2。 Gainward 7800 GTX 显卡, Asus A8N SLI 主板, ...

3.捷达王无规律熄火质量都不太过关,损坏后不易修补。故如果车况好手续费税等齐全,又是新捷达王的话(GTX),目前在二手车交易市场上的价 …

6.金嘉护 ... 联想 thinkpad 影驰 gtx 乐视 tv ...


1.As depicted in the film the modern corporation is a sterile Darwinian shark tank in which the only thing that matters is the bottom line.在影片中,GTX公司这个现代化企业就好比是阴森的鲨鱼池子,唯一攸关存活的就是利润。

2.The GTX 465 is bound to see a lot of in-house competition from the GTX 460 1GB, so it has already shed part of its value in recent weeks.该显卡465必将看到内部的竞争,很多GTX的4601GB的,所以它已在最近几个星期下跌其价值的一部分。

3.The evolution of that project appears to be the Devon GTX.的演变该项目似乎是德文GTX的。

4.The fact that GTX 260 and 285 are also insanely hard to find and that Fermi is still not out, helps ATI jack the prices up.事实上,GTX260系列和285也疯狂很难找到,而费米还没有出来,帮助ATI的插孔价格上涨。

5.Our spy photographers managed to snap the first shots of the forthcoming supercar, indicating the GTX will be ready for its August debut.我们的间谍摄影师设法单元的第一个球在即将举行的超级跑车,说明显卡将准备8月首演。

6.A 12-year veteran of GTX, Bobby is suddenly fired, not for incompetence but to cut costs on the eve of a probable merger.还有就是作为GTX公司12年的老员工,鲍比被解雇的原因不是由于他没能力,而是因为公司需要为可能即将到来合并前夕节约成本。

7.It's not radically different from the 8800 GTX, but it'll give you a nice bump or two.它不是截然不同的8800GTX,但它会在一两个方面给你良好的提升感。

8.The GTX 470 saw the smallest price drop, but we're not huge fans of it to begin with.GTX的470看到的最小的价格下跌,但我们也没有巨大的球迷开始。

9.And Bobby's glories at GTX mean nothing at other companies, where further indignities await him.和GTX的鲍比的辉煌意味着在其他公司,在那里等待他没有进一步的侮辱。

10.Unfortunately, with dropping prices for GTX 400 products, margins will tighten up further.不幸的是,与GTX的400种产品价格下跌,利润率将进一步收紧。
