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英文单词:动向指标(Directional Movement Index);桌面管理接口(Desktop Management Interface);直接媒体接口(Direct Media Interface)



1.动向指标(Directional Movement Index)的频率,然后根据总线宽度如PCI Express,Direct Media Interface (DMI),Serial ATA,USB等自动调节倍频。

4.干物质采食量(dry matter intake)由于干物质采食量DMI)受奶牛泌乳早期采食量以及饲料的质量、来源和营养水平等因素的影响,现在面临的问题就是如何在 …

5.趋向指标趋向指标DMI)又称动向指标,是美国技术分析大师威尔斯·王尔德(Wells Wilder)发明的一套技术分析工具。其基本原理是 …

6.动向指数动向指数DMI)(Directional Movement Index)又称移动方向指数,是J. Welles Wilder 于1978年提出的一种用于判断行情是 …


1.Through DMI, the network can query each PC or desktop to see what software and hardware it has.通过dmi,网络就能查询每台pc机即每个桌面,看看它有什么样的软件和硬件。

2.Emerson and DMI have had a close relationship since 2002, delivering integrated manufacturing solutions to process facilities.艾默生与DMI公司从2002年以来就开始了密切的合作关系,为过程工厂提供集成制造解决方案。

3.DMI has quite a simple purpose: to make a dumb desktop, notebook or server smart by letting it publish information about itself.桌面管理接口的目的十分简单:让笨台式机、笔记本机或服务器通过发布有关其自身的信息而变得聪明些。

4."Everybody out there is trying to add value to DMI, " Dunkle says.邓克尔说:“人人都在试图给dmi增加价值。”

5.The required phantom power for microphones is provided by an AES 42 interface, e. g. Neumann's DMI.所需的幻像电源的麦克风提供了一个AES42接口,例如纽曼的日荣。

6.Low protein might indicate decreased DMI and poor rumen fermentation associated with poor quality forage (too high fibre).乳蛋白率低可能预示DMI的降低以及与劣质粗料(纤维量太高)有关的瘤胃发酵不足。

7.Using agents, DMI also coordinates messages between a PC 's firmware and the network management console.利用代理,DMI也在pc机固件与网管控制台之间协调信息。

8.D. , where DMI Industries of Fargo operates a plant that makes towers for wind turbines.在这里,DMI运营一家工厂,为涡轮机建造塔。

9.To date, the challenge that faces DMI is how to present management information collected in a unified way.迄今为止,dmi面临的挑战是如何表示用统一方式收集的管理信息。

10.Users also need to be better educated about how to take advantage of DMI.用户也需要获得更好的有关如何利用dmi的教育。