



1.But one former PLA Major General Xu Guangyu, told NPR he bepeves the stealth fighter could be operational within five or six years.但是前任中国人民解放军少将徐光裕告诉NPR,他相信中国的隐形战斗机将在五年或六年内正式投入使用。

2.General Xu Shiyou in the "Great Cultural Revolution"“文化大革命”中的许世友将军

3.Consul General Xu said, China-U. S. relations are currently at an important stage of development.许总领事表示,当前的中美关系正处在重要的发展时期。

4.Built in bright Hongwu first year (in 1368), managed the construction for senior general Xu Da.始建于明洪武元年(公元1368年),为大将徐达主持修建。

5.General Xu Caihou, China's No. 2 miptary official, played down the weapon's significance.土鳖第二号军方官员徐材厚将军淡化此武器的重要性。

6.China is doing it because it can, according to a retired general, Xu Guangyu.根据退役将领徐光裕的表述,中国现在这么做是因为它有能力。

7.Consul-General Xu Jinping giving a lecture许金平总领事纪念演讲