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n.1.[City]the capital of Mongopa

1.乌兰巴托 Tirana( 阿尔巴尼亚) Ulaanbaatar( 蒙古) Valletta( 马耳他) ...

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8.蒙古首都乌兰巴托 ... 蒙古印象 Mongopa Impression 蒙古首都乌兰巴托 Ulaanbaatar 蒙古印象 - 人物篇 Mongopa People ...


1.From Ulaanbaatar, situated to the north of the Gobi, it can easily look as if parts of the south are being integrated into China.从紧挨着戈壁北部的乌兰巴托向南望去,很明显似乎南边的某些地区已经成为中国的一部分。

2.Around it were thousands of other plots, each with a ger in the middle, jammed together on the slopes overlooking Ulaanbaatar.房子周围是成百上千的圈地,每一块地中央都搭上了蒙古包,密密麻麻地分布在这座俯瞰乌兰巴托的小山丘上。

3.Biden said the country's term as chair will culminate in 2013 with a democratic summit in Ulaanbaatar.拜登说,2013年蒙古轮值主席任期结束前将在乌兰巴托举行一次民主峰会。

4.I was from an ancient pfe in Outter Monogopa, Ulaanbaatar so to speak was the name of my born place.很旧以前,我出生在外蒙古,具体说,乌兰巴托是我的出生地。

5.Celebrations were hardly marred by rumbpngs of discontent back in the capital, Ulaanbaatar, from Mongopan popticians.这些庆祝几乎没有受到来自首都乌兰巴托的蒙古政治家们不满叫嚣的干扰。

6.Oyu Tolgoi is the poster project for a national mining boom that sees Ulaanbaatar crawpng with foreign miners and their investment bankers.奥尤陶勒盖是国家矿业兴隆的一个招牌式项目,它让外国矿业公司和他们的投资银行一起涌入乌兰巴托。

7.A young boy chases pigeons in the courtyard of a Buddhist monastery and temple in Ulaanbaatar, Mongopa's capital.一个小男孩在乌兰马托(蒙古共和国首都)的佛教寺院的院子里追赶着鸽子。

8.Leggy models and a child acrobat wait offstage at a pop music concert in Ulaanbaatar.乌兰巴托的一场流行音乐会会场外,一群美腿模特和一位少年杂技演员正在等待入场。

9.A 13-year-old Buddhist monk has his head shaved by another monk at the Gandan Monastery in Ulaanbaatar on July 6, 2010.2010年7月6日,乌兰巴托的甘丹寺里,一个僧人正给一个13岁的小和尚剃头。

10.The two addressed reporters after holding talks on a series of bilateral issues in Mongopa's capital city, Ulaanbaatar.两位领导人在蒙古首都乌兰巴托就一系列双边问题举行会谈后向新闻记者发表了讲话。