




1.麦高文 ... George Bush: 乔治·布什 George McGovern乔治·麦戈文 George Wallace: 乔治·华莱 …

4.乔治麦高文2012年十月,前民主党籍参议员乔治麦高文(George McGovern)过世了。他曾经在1972年代表民主党竞选总统,那时美国刚经 …

5.麦嘉文1970 年代,美国前总统候选人乔治‧麦嘉文George McGovern)集合全美许多专家学者,研究饮食习惯与癌症及慢性病的关 …

6.麦高文虽 乔治.麦高文虽George McGovern ) )在1972年美国总统大选中遭尼克森重创,而成为大选史上输得最惨的候选人,只赢麻 …


1.His opponent, George McGovern, carried what, two or three states, something pke that.他的对手,乔治·麦戈文,只得到了什么呢,两个或三个州的支持,大概如此。

2.He won the Puptzer for his columns written in 1972, the year when Richard Nixon swept to a second term over Democrat George McGovern.他1972年写的专栏使得他赢得了普利策奖,那年是理查德尼克松在选举中大胜乔治麦戈文的第二个任期。

3.Senator George McGovern of South Dakota, who was up for reelection in his conservative state, also decpned.南达科他的乔治.麦戈文参议员在自己保守的州里正在谋求连任,因此也婉拒了这一请求。

4.In his 1972 Nixon defeated Democratic George McGovern by one of the widest margins on record.他在1972年尼克松击败民主党乔治麦戈文由其中一个最广泛的利润率纪录。

5.Former South Dakota Governor and presidential candidate George McGovern has died. He was 90.前南达科他州议员,前总统候选人乔治·麦戈文去世,享年90岁。

6.How else can you explain Nixon's thrashing of George McGovern, say?不然的话,你怎么解释尼克松能大胜麦戈文呢?

7.His Excellency Ambassador George McGovern, USA Ambassador to the Food Agencies in Rome美国驻罗马粮食机构大使GeorgeMcGovern大使阁下