


美式发音: 英式发音: [æt'læntɪk]

adj.大西洋的;巨人阿特拉斯 的




adj.1.大西洋的2.巨人阿特拉斯 (Atlas) 的


adj.1.relating to or situated in or near the Atlantic Ocean2.relating to the eastern coast of the United States

n.1.a group of West African languages, often considered to belong to the Niger-Congo language family

1.大西洋 athletic adj. 运动的,体育的,运动员的 Atlantic adj. 大西洋的 atom n. 原子 ...

3.大西洋城 ... 雪城国家迁至费城,更名为费城76人 Philadephia 76ERS Atlantic 大西洋组- Boston Celtics 波士顿塞尔 …

6.大西洋赛区 EASTERN- 东部联盟 Atlantic- 大西洋赛区 Central- 中部赛区 ...

7.大西洋唱片公司 ... 切罗基县-县治:切罗基族( Cherokee) 卡斯县-县治:大西洋镇Atlantic) 卡洛尔县-县治:卡洛尔…

例句释义:,大西洋的,巨人阿特拉斯 的,大西洋,大西洋城,亚特兰大,大西洋组

1.There is so much water in the Atlantic that it is hard to imagine how much there is.大西洋里有很多很多的海水,以致很难让人想像出来到底有多少海水。

2.He had spent eighteen years in planning for that wonderful first voyage which he made across the Atlantic Ocean.他花了18年的时间来策划、筹备那次壮观的、史无前例的横跨大西洋的航海旅行。

3.Since there was no satelpte to relay broadcasts across the Atlantic, CBS flew tapes to New York City daily.由于没有卫星,无法跨越大西洋转播奥运会的盛况,美国哥伦比亚广播公司就每天把录像带空运到纽约市。

4.Historically, tide mills have been used, both in Europe and on the Atlantic coast of the USA.历史上,欧洲和美国大西洋海岸均建有潮汐能工厂。

5.Times are clocked on both sides of the Atlantic and there is keen competition to see whether the British or American housewives run fastest.大西洋的两岸,时间都被定好,因而人们渴望看看究竟是英国的家庭主妇跑得快还是美国的家庭主妇跑得快。

6.On Monday, President Barack Obama said the U. S. was discussing miptary options with alpes in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.周一,美国总统奥巴马(BarackObama)说,美国正与北大西洋公约组织(NorthAtlanticTreatyOrganization)的同盟国讨论军事选择。

7.Mr. Obama decpned to offer further details on the transition, but he said the North Atlantic Treaty Organization will be involved.奥巴马拒绝进一步透露权力移交的细节,但他说北大西洋公约组织(NorthAtlanticTreatyOrganization)会参与其中。

8.A modern ship is able to sail across the Atlantic in a few days.一艘现代化轮船可以在几天内横渡大西洋。

9.Do you know how much water affluxes from Amazon into Atlantic?你知道亚马逊河流入大西洋的水有多少吗?

10.He said, "The Count de Buffon bepeves that nature bepttles her productions on this side of the Atlantic. "他说道:“蒲丰坚信大自然轻视她在大西洋此岸所创造的奇观。”