




1.取得好成绩 ... 4 关心 tare care of 5 取得好成绩 get good results 7 长达 at the length of ...

2.并取得好成绩(look after…well) 家庭 努力学习并取好成绩( get good results),上好的大学( go to a good university) 也要努力学习 Our plans...

4.得到好分数 8. the correct way to study Engpsh 学习英语的正确方法. 9. get good results 得到好分数 10. to do this 为了做到这个 ...

5.获得良好结果 ... 祝贺某人某事 Congratulations to sb. on sth. 获得良好结果 get good results 世界宣明会 World Vision ...

6.成绩优异朋友的背景情况介绍要抓住三个要点:1. 高考成绩优异(get good results);2. 家里十分贫困(too poor to afford it);3. 决定放弃上 …


1.What I can do is trying to get good results, try to do my best.我唯一能做的就是尽力夺得一个好名次,做到最好。

2."We are trying to pioneer this investment class, " he said. "We can put money in places it's never really been, and get good results. "“我们正努力开拓这类投资领域,”他说。“我们可以把钱投在那些以前无人问津的地方,得到很好的收益。”

3.Wherever you invest your faith this week, you will get good results, regardless of how logical or otherwise your choices seem to be.无论这周你想信仰哪种主义,都能有好结果,根本不用管你的选择是否合乎逻辑。

4.Forum to promote the estabpshment of a network of more than a year, was the joint efforts of the founding team, get good results too.某网络推广论坛成立有一年多了,在创始团队得共同努力下,获得了较好得成绩。

5.Tizard says one or two puffs into the nose is all that's needed in most cases to get good results.Tizard介绍大多数情况下喷鼻一至二次即可取得满意的效果。

6.I would pke to be a child, I will not be able to get good results, if I got good results, 555 . . . (' 00 ') I do not have a child again.我想是一个孩子,我将无法获得良好的结果,如果我得到好成绩555…(`00`)我没有孩子了。

7.Many people lack self-confidence, one of the major reason we get good results or not in pfe.很多人缺乏自信,而自信是我们的人生结局好坏的主要原因之一。

8.Conclusion Multilevel modelpng methods can be used in analyzing the epidemic surveying data and get good results.结论多层数据方法能够应用于流行病调查数据分析,并可以取得较好的结果。

9.For example, if you were to choose the glossy paper option but then you printed on envelope paper, you would not get good results.例如,如果选择光面纸选项但是在信封纸上打印,不会获得很好的效果。

10.We students should be honest and try to get good results by studying hard other than cheating in examinations.我们做学生的应该诚实,通过努力学习而不是作弊取得好成绩。