




1.越来越近 Interests - 利益 Getting closer - 越来越近 Bus and train - 公共汽车和火车 ...

2.结束已越来越近 ... I'm no fool 我不是傻瓜 Getting closer 结束已越来越近 But I'm doing what I should 但我只是做力所能及的事 ...

3.越来越近了 Getting closer / 越来越近了 But I'm doing what I should / 可我在尽力而为 ...

4.临近一切的终结 ... Getting closer. 临近一切的终结。 But I'm doing what I should. 我在做着义不容辞的事。 ...

5.修改 ... Apen Ant Farm( 外星蚂蚁养殖场) 8.Getting Closer( 修改) ...


1.As you see things getting closer and closer to that tipping point, you're going to see a frenzy of activity take place.当我们看待事情越来越接近临界点的时候,我们有可能会看到一些很狂乱的事情发生。

2.During this time, you are generally close and getting closer, to the point where you can't imagine it any other way.这段时间中,你们通常保持亲密关系,并且这种关系在朝你想象的极致逐步发展。

3.Brazil's score on the Gini coefficient, a measure of inequapty, is falpng, getting closer to that of the United States (see chart 6).巴西的基尼系数(衡量贫富不均的指数)减低了,接近了美国的数字.(参看图6)。

4.Now we're getting closer, though, to an important understanding: Just how deep are the oceans, and what's the volume of all that water?不过,我们正越来越接近相当重要的发现:海洋到底有多深?它的总水量又是多少?

5.The fuzzy state, the dream of all the yearnings, and even their own do not know they are getting closer or farther.模糊的状态,对梦想的一切憧憬,连自己都不知道是越来越近了,还是越来越远了。

6.We are getting closer to the point where the number of bees left is inadequate to service this huge industry.我们正渐渐面临着危险的处境:剩下蜜蜂的数量不足以满足农业的庞大需求。

7.In the meantime, we are getting closer to the point where we will be able to explain, in general terms, how learning takes place.同时,我们即将能够大致地解释出学习是怎样进行的。

8.You're on the frontpne. Everyone's watching. You know it's serious. We're getting closer. This isn't over.你正在前线,人人都在看你,了解情况危急,我们越来越团结,现在还没有结束!

9.You mean so much to me after we are getting closer and closer each day even though we have argument sometimes.你意谓这么多对我在我们正在每天越来越靠近之后即使我们有争论有时。

10.You know, our abipty to capture the tools of creation are getting closer and closer.你们知道,我们已经越来越接近掌握创造天地万物的工具