




1.巨大砗磲蛤 GARNET 石榴石 GIANT CLAMS 大贝壳化石 GINGER STONES 姜石 ...

3.巨型蛤蚌 Giant Spider Crab 巨型蜘蛛蟹 Giant Clams 巨型蛤蚌 Giant Clam Siphon 巨型蛤蚌虹吸管 ...


1.True to their name, giant clams are the largest of their kind, with shells over four feet long; but they're hardly dangerous.与它们的名字一样,巨蚌是体型最大的蚌,外壳长四英尺以上,但它们并不危险。

2.Never one to pass up a free meal, the giant clams also filter feed on plankton using their siphons. . .没人会错过免费午餐的,巨蚌也会用吸管过滤浮游生物进食…

3.Youll see a great variety of marine pfe at Norman Reef, including turtles, coral gardens and giant clams .在诺蒙礁处您能看到品种繁多的海洋生物,有海龟,珊瑚群和巨大哈蛎。

4.In fact, the way most people are hurt by giant clams is by trying to pick them up. They can weigh a monstrous 500 pounds.事实上,大多数人被巨蚌伤害是因为尝试用手拿起它们。它们的体重可以达到令人咂舌的500磅。

5.Abundant giant clams and branching corals thrive on the patch reefs in the lagoon of Millennium Atoll.现在海洋图片画廊。丰富的巨大的蛤和分支珊瑚旺盛在其修补暗礁在泻湖的千年环状珊瑚礁。

6.Sea cucumber and giant clams, courtesy of "survivor. "你的海参你的大蚌幸存者特别赠送。

7.The largest mollusks on Earth, adult giant clams permanently affix themselves to surfaces such as sand or coral reef rubble.图为地球上最大的软体动物,成年蛤蚌会将自己永远粘附在沙子或珊瑚礁碎石上。

8.The reef is home to more than 4, 000 kinds of mollusks . From tiny sea slugs, nudibranchs, to giant clams.珊瑚礁是4,000多种软体动物的家。从微小的海蛤蝓(裸鳃亚目动物)到巨大的蛤蜊。

9.Maldives5, 000 mollusk species (think giant clams)马尔代夫的5000软体动物(可以想起“巨蛤”)