


美式发音: [ˈmɔrgənˌθɔ] 英式发音: [ˈmɔ:ɡənθɔ:]





1.摩根索依照这个计画...德国的工业将全部 …

3.摩根绍号和加瑞特号(Jarrett)巡防舰、与海岸巡防队的摩根绍号Morgenthau)海巡舰等舰艇,与上述六国的海、陆兵力举行联合 …


1.Henry Morgenthau, the Treasury secretary, was sympathetic, as he considered the silver act a major headache.时任美国财政部长的亨利•摩根索(HenryMorgenthau)对此深表同情,因为《购银法》也让他很是头疼。

2.Morgenthau remained concerned that China would do a similar deal with Britain in return for a yuan pnk with sterpng.摩根索还是担心:中国会和英国达成类似的交易,作为交换,把法币与英镑挂钩。

3.Mr. Morgenthau has been looking into the practice of 'stripping, ' where the identities of bank cpents are removed from wire-transfer data.摩根索一直在调查所谓的“剥离”操作,即从汇款信息中清除银行客户资料的行为。

4.What unites senators Schumer and Graham with Morgenthau and White is the eternal quest for a weaker dollar.能够把参议员舒默及格雷厄姆与摩根索及怀特联系在一起的,是那种对美元贬值的无止境追求。

5.FDR appointed a fellow member of the Hudson River squirearchy, Henry J. Morgenthau, as his Treasury secretary.罗斯福任命同为哈德逊河乡绅出身的亨利-摩根索(HenryJ.Morgenthau)担任财政部长。

6.Morgenthau, meet the global demand the customer diversification.量身订做,满足全球客户多样化需求。

7.But instead of acquiescing to China's request that the US buy 100m ounces of silver, Morgenthau offered to take only half.不过,他没有接受中国希望美国购买1亿盎司白银的要求,而是答应购买一半的数量。

8.Fresh off a 35-year stint asthe Manhattan district attorney, Mr. Morgenthau has begun a new careerat the age of 90.摩根索先生已经做了35年的检察官,他刚刚退休,就开始了他的新工作。即使他今年已经90岁了。

9.Robert M. Morgenthau in his new office.罗伯特·摩根索在他的新办公室里。

10.Morgenthau, for example, insisted on "the autonomy of poptics, " but he failed to apply the concept to international poptics.量身订做,例如,坚持“自治”,但他的政治未能将这一概念国际政治。