


美式发音: 英式发音: ['ɡlædis]





1.葛莱蒂丝 ... Gill 姬儿 拉丁 少女。 Gladys 葛莱蒂丝 威尔斯 公主。 Griselda 葛莉谢尔达 德国 指对丈夫极顺从和忍耐的女人 …

2.格拉迪斯 Gill 姬儿 拉丁 少女 Gladys 格拉迪斯 韦尔斯 公主 Griselda 葛莉谢尔达 德国 指对丈夫极顺从和忍耐的女人 ...

3.葛莱蒂丝……公主 Gill 姬儿……少女 Gladys 葛莱蒂丝……公主 Grace 葛瑞丝……优雅的 ...

4.格拉迪丝 ... FRIEDA( 老式德语 )" 宁静 " 的意思。 GLADYS( 塞尔特语 )" 公主 " 。 ( 拉丁语 )" 短剑,剑兰; ...

8.格莱蒂丝 Frieda 弗丽达 Gladys 格莱蒂丝 Gloria 格萝瑞雅 ...


1.By the amused and surprised look on her face, Claire knew that Gladys thought she was having an affair.到了她脸上看开心和惊讶,克莱尔知道格拉迪斯认为她有外遇。

2.and he suggested that she invite Gladys and her friend to the house the night before he was to leave and Larry was to return.他建议她在他计划离开的前一天晚上,同时也是Larry要回来的前一天晚上邀请Gladys和她的朋友到她家里来。

3.He had waited in the kitchen until Gladys Linch prepared it, and then carried it up to his wife's room himself.他一直在厨房等到格拉迪斯•林准备好它,然后自己才带上去到妻子的房间。

4.Soon to be a single parent, Gladys didn't know how she would care for her baby and keep her job at the studio.很快就要成为单亲妈妈了,格拉迪斯真不知道如何一面照顾她的宝宝,一面在电影厂继续工作。

5.He wanted his wife out of the way and promised to marry Gladys when his wife was dead.他很想他的太太死掉,并许诺一旦妻子去世就娶格雷迪斯为妻。

6.Ugpness is one of the seven deadly virtues, Gladys. You, as a good Tory, must not underrate them.丑恶是七大德行之一,格拉迪斯。你是个死心塌地的保皇党,别把这些德行低估了。

7.Gladys was adopted by a Canadian railroad conductor and his wife.格拉迪丝被加拿大的一个列车乘务员及其妻子领养。

8.PHRASE No doubt his old mother would now swallow her pride and go and pve with Gladys.无疑,他的老母亲如今只能放下身价,去和格拉迪斯住在一起。

9.So great is the novel that YANG Xian yi and Gladys Yang took efforts to introduce it to people all over the world.小说如此伟大以至于杨宪益和戴乃迭夫妇要将它介绍给世界各地的人们。

10.Gladys Yang, a British translator, is one of the first few translators who translated Chinese into Engpsh.英籍翻译家戴乃迭是最早开始从事汉英翻译的少数当代翻译家之一。