




1.去海滩 打扫房间 clean the room 去海滩 go to the beach 打网球 play tennis ...

2.去海边 6.Play baseball 打棒球 7.Go to the beach 去海边√ 17.Go to the farm 去农场√ ...

3.去沙滩 3. 打扫房间 clean the room 4. 去沙滩 go to the beach 5. 打网球 play tennis ...

4.去海边吧 Take up the guitar 重新拿起吉他 Go to the beach 到海滩去 Start meditation 开始冥想 ...

6.我会去海滩 have something to eat. 我会找些东西来吃。 go to the beach. 我会去海滩。 1. Gym 健身 …

7.海边嬉戏 ... 12/31/2010 去海滩游玩 / Go to the beach 01/01/2011 游玩主题公园“梦幻世界” / Visit the Dream World ...


1.It has a bit of everything, and of course, you're going to L. A. , you wanna go to the beach.它里面什么都有,当然,如果你到洛杉矶去,你会想去海滩看看。

2.My sister asked me if I wanted to go to the beach and I told her to the max.我妹妹问我愿不愿意去海滩,我告诉她我很愿意。

3.He said he would go to the beach.他说他要去海边。

4.We had a really busy week last week, so my classmates and I decided to go to the beach last Saturday.答案补充我们上周过的很忙,所以我的同学和我决定周六去海边。

5.Mr Li told me that we would go to the beach the next day.这里,李先生对我说,我们明天将去海滩。

6.The sun is shining brightly so people have to stay at home or go to the beach and swimming pool to cool themselves.阳光是明媚的,因此人们呆在家里还是去海滩,游泳池冷静自己。

7.Spend a week out of town or country, go to the beach, go sightseeing.花一周的时间离开所在地或国家,去海边,去观光。

8.The weather is now getting warmer and summer is just around the corner, so I will suggest that we go to the beach!现在纽约的天气一天比一天暖和,夏天快要到了,所以我要建议到海边去!

9.But it was definitely coming in off the water. What's more, a breeze will be coming in off the water the next time you go to the beach.但是它的确来自于水面,更重要的是,你下次去海滩的时候微风又会徐徐吹来。

10.If the weather stays nice perhaps we can go to the beach this weekend. It's been a while since I've not really gotten some sun.如果天气保持这样好,或许我们这个周末可以去海滩。我真的很久没有接触到阳光了。