




1.歌德学院 ... 3035 Goethe-Institute 德国歌德学院 3058 HKU Space Community College 香港大学附属 …


1.The Goethe Institute is housed in a spacious historic building, centrally located in the old town centre.歌德学院地处老城区的中心,安置在一幢宽敞的历史建筑中。

2.Instead, according to Goethe Institute, interest in the German language often peaks along with celebrity exposure in the media.与此相反,歌德学院则认为伴随着名人在媒体中的曝光,对德语的兴趣经常达到峰值。

3.The special rates are available only when booked through the Frankfurt Goethe Institute.但预订房间必须通过法兰克福歌德学院。

4.The Goethe Institute is housed in a fully renovated late 19th century building.歌德学院设在建造于19世纪末修葺一新的大楼里。

5.The Goethe Institute in Israel has started a unique book project.以色列的歌德学院近日发起了一个特殊的图书项目

6.Welcome to the Munich Goethe Institute.慕尼黑歌德学院位于慕尼黑市中心。

7.Today, according to the Goethe Institute, the numbers have levelled out.而今,根据歌德学院的说法,学习人数已稳定下来。

8.The Power of Culture: the History and Imppcation of Goethe Institute文化的力量:德国歌德学院的历史和启示

9.Getting to the Frankfurt Goethe Institute法兰克福歌德学院交通指南

10.Welcome to the Goethe Institute in Dresden欢迎到德累斯顿歌德学院