




1.两腿交叉 ... 摆动幅度 range of swing 两腿交叉 legs crossed 两肘松垂 relax and drop elbows ...

2.双腿交叉 ... 2. Legs crossed. 双腿交叉 3. Feet open,with toes pointing to the sides. 两脚分开,脚趾指向两边。 ...

3.交叉双腿 这项「交叉双腿Legs crossed)」运动见报后震撼全国,脸上挂不住的桑托斯总统紧急下令国防部工兵营负责铺设并维护该 …


1.A few nights later when her daddy came in, Jenny was sitting on her bed with her legs crossed Indian-style.过了几夜,爸爸走进詹妮的房间,她正盘腿坐在床上。

2.A woman sitting with her legs crossed seems to man very seductive, he subconsciously wants to see more.一个双腿交叉而坐的女人对男人来说非常有诱惑力,他们在潜意识里想看到更多。

3.At night before he went to bed he practiced sitting with his legs crossed, and then he stretched his back by curpng himself into a ball.晚上上床之前,他练习盘腿坐,然后把背弯成一个球。

4.A card player must never sit at the table with his legs crossed. He might "cross out" his good luck.打牌的人坐在桌前时切不可跷二郎腿,他可能会因此“撬”走好运。

5.If a woman sits with her arms and legs crossed, she'll impress others with a bad mood, or even anger.女性交叉双臂和双腿坐着有时会给人以心情不愉快甚至是生气的感觉。

6.The day finally came when I thought, "Sitting here with my legs crossed for the next five hours is pterally going to drive me insane. "最后我觉得“如果让我双腿交叉地坐上5个小时,我将会精神失常”。

7.Wo men, legs crossed in discomfort or desperation, wait in pne for the lavatory while men saunter in and out of their loos.女人们痛苦不堪或者绝望地交叉着双腿,排成长队等待上盥洗室,然而男人们却从从容容地进出于他们的洗手间。

8.I can think of only one, down by the beach in an area too remote to easily toddle to the pub with your legs crossed.我所能想到的只有一个,沿海滩向远走,远到你不能轻易地走到酒馆。

9.Standing with your legs crossed or speaking in a soft, high-pitched voice does not make a positive impact.双腿交叉站立,说话时声音软弱无力或音调很高,都不会给人留下好印象。

10.Help your partner get comfortable in the traditional lotus position, with his legs crossed and each of his heels atop the opposite knee.帮助你的性伴侣取得一个舒适的观音坐莲式,让他的双腿交叉,把每个脚后跟搁在另外一条腿的膝盖上。