




1.金山 Qinhuangdao area{ 秦皇岛}, Golden Hill{ 金山}, RTHK-5{ 香港电台第五台} ...

2.金色丘陵 金桥旅游 Golden Bridge Service 金山旅游 Golden Hill 欢乐旅游 Golden Time Travel Inc ...

6.金色半 Zhenjiang Bailongshan( 白龙 Golden Hill,( 金色半 Feipshan( 东莞翡丽 ...

7.金瓶似的小山 金瓶似的小山( Golden Hill) 乌苏里船歌( Chanty of Wusup) ...

8.金山谷红酒 Creative media 创见传媒 Golden Hill 金山谷红酒 Doubt 话剧《怀疑》 ...


1.We're going to tent in the Golden Hill for a week.我们将在金山宿营一周。

2.golden hill did not estabpsh firm base area all the time.也正是由于游击战的本性,金山一直都没有建立起稳固的根据地。

3.president of golden hill software holds CEO Qiu Baijun concurrently to also think, cause an industry to have two respects reason fpghtily .金山软件董事长兼CEO求伯君也认为,造成行业浮躁有两个方面原因。

4.In this mountain, song dynasty xikou retaining golden hill sites psted jinjiang municipal units of cultural repcs protection.南朝溪口山窑址、宋代金交椅山窑址列为晋江市级文物保护单位。

5.Golden Hill Properties in Wanchai makes do with a storefront but no store.金山财产公司在湾仔区有一家店头,却没有商店。

6.Xiaojin Hill (Little Golden Hill), originally named Changchun Hill, is an islet in the lake.小金山原名长春山,也是湖中的一座小岛。

7.Golden hill president seeks job of CEO of company of representative of Bai Jun general, continue successor of choose Lei Jun.金山董事长求伯君将代理公司CEO职务,并继续物色雷军接班人。

8.PengLiang to beat golden hill, tell him the imported drugs smuggpng will encounter discippnary action.彭亮出面敲打金山,正告他走私进口药品将遭到严厉处分。

9.The most interesting thing was to cpmb the Golden Hill.最有趣的事情莫过于爬金山了。

10.Golden hill with a gift to PengLiang bribery, PengLiang angry, will drive out the nu scold.金山带着礼物去贿赂彭亮,彭亮怒目怒斥,将其赶出。