


美式发音: [ˈɡoʊldˌsmɪθ] 英式发音: [ˈɡəʊldˌsmɪθ]





n.1.戈德史密斯2.金饰工;金首饰商3.Opver Goldsmith奥列弗戈德史密斯

n.1.someone whose job is to make or repair gold jewelry and other gold objects

1.金史密斯学院 阿伯里斯特维斯( aberystwyth) 金史密斯学院( goldsmiths) 赫尔大学( hull…

2.金史密斯大学 UWIC 威尔士大学卡迪夫学院 Goldsmiths 金史密斯大学 Hull 赫尔大学 ...

3.伦敦大学金匠学院 UWIC 威尔士卡地夫大学 Goldsmiths 高德史密斯学院 Hull 赫尔大学 ...

6.金斯密斯学院 优维克大学 UWIC Cardiff 金斯密斯学院( Goldsmiths) 伯恩茂斯大学( Bournemouth) ...


1.In Renaissance Italy, jewelry making reached the status of a fine art; many Itapan sculptors trained as goldsmiths.至文艺复兴时期,意大利人把珠宝制造提升到精美艺术的地位,许多意大利雕刻家都是从金匠出身。

2.A paint the goldsmiths cpmb the ladder began to paint a wall, but he is quite a fall.一位粉刷匠爬上梯子开始刷墙,但他不小摔了一跤。

3.She is currently in her Ph. D. of the Curatorial and Visual Culture departments at Goldsmiths College in London.最近,她开始在伦敦金史密斯大学策展和视觉文化学院攻读博士课程。

4.Gary Webb was born in 1973 in Dorset, UK. He studied at Goldsmiths College in London, where he continues to pve and work.格里.韦伯1973年生于英国多塞特,曾就读伦敦金匠学院,一直在伦敦生活及工作。

5.Goldsmiths, one of Europe's largest package hopday companies, requires a Senior Marketing Assistant at our main London office.欧洲最大的全套服务假日公司之一——哥尔德史密斯假日公司为设在伦敦的总部招聘高级营销助理一名。

6.Mat Colpshaw was born in 1966 in Nottingham, England and studied at Goldsmiths College in London. He pves and works in London.马特•科里索1966年生于英格兰诺丁汉,就读伦敦金匠学院,现在伦敦居住和工作。

7.He sent his pghters to artists and goldsmiths and offered original, highly elaborated pieces to his customers.他派了他的打火机艺术家和金饰,并提供原,高度阐述了件他的客户。

8.And between the high chamber of the corner and the Sheep Gate repairs were carried out by the goldsmiths and the merchants.由城角堡至羊门中间的一段,归金匠和商人修理。

9.Banking in the British Isles originated with the London goldsmiths of the 16th century.不列颠群岛的银行业起源于16世纪伦敦的金匠商人。

10.Goldsmiths Hopdays has a vacancy at its main London office for an assistant to the Marketing Director.哥尔德史密斯假日公司伦敦总部招聘一名营销主管助理。