




1.唐恩 Drew 杜鲁 韦尔斯 聪慧与诚实的人 Dunn 唐恩 英国 指黑色皮肤的人 Dwight 德维特 条顿 白种人或金发碧眼的 …

2.邓恩 Bob Marley & The Wailers 巴布马利与痛哭者 Brooks & Dunn 布鲁克斯与唐 ...

6.唐恩市  2001年9月11日,我在北卡罗莱纳州唐恩市Dunn)的一家分销仓库,检查他们易燃液体储藏室的防火设备。全国防火协会对 …


1."Genesis mentions nothing but a serpent, " says Kevin Dunn, chair of the department of repgion at Tufts University in Massachusetts.马萨诸塞州塔夫斯大学宗教系系长凯文·杜恩(KevinDunn)说:“《创世纪》里只是提到了一条蛇。”

2.Drive to a foreign country for the weekend and Nancy Dunn, the way the car broke down in a small town in Louisiana.驾车到异乡度周末的唐恩和南西,途中,车子在路易西安纳一个小镇抛锚。

3.In several videos, Dunn -- wearing a black mask -- said the baby food had been poisoned with cyanide, prosecutors said.检方称,在几个视频中,Dunn头戴面具,称已经在婴儿食物中投放了氰化物。

4.Dunn, a petite, frail woman, answers the door with a tiny dog in her arms.邓恩,一位娇小体弱的女人,为我们开门时,怀里抱着一只小狗。

5.Dr Brian Dunn, chairman of the British Medical Association's Northern Ireland GP committee, urged the pubpc not to do so.英国医学协会的北爱尔兰全科医生委员会主席布赖恩·邓恩博士,强烈呼吁公众不要通过互联网购买药品。

6.Ms Dunn won many admirers among corporate-governance reformers for her efforts to improve HP's famously dysfunctional board.杜恩女士因其改善惠普职能紊乱名声不佳的董事会的努力而在公司治理改革人士中赢得了不少赞赏者。

7.This week's news that Patricia Dunn will step down in January as chairman of HP's board in favour of Mr Hurd may not prove so inspired.本周,有消息称支持赫德的帕特丽夏•邓恩(PatriciaDunn)将于明年一月卸任惠普董事会主席一职,此事或许并不利好。

8.Another British researcher, Judy Dunn, found a similar pattern among older adults.另一位英国研究人员朱迪邓恩在年长一些的成年人身上也发现了相似的情况。

9.The parable of the hapless Ms Dunn makes clear that separating the two top jobs is no guarantee of a harmonious board.倒霉的邓恩女士就像是一则寓言,它明白地告诉我们:将两个头等职位相分离并不能确保拥有一个和谐的董事会。

10.Andy Dunn, chief executive of New York-based clothing company Bonobos. com, recently was chatting with a colleague on his office elevator.纽约服装公司Bonobos网址被屏蔽的首席执行长安迪-邓恩(AndyDunn)不久前曾经在公司电梯里跟一位同事聊天。