






1.It was a tradition that the Chancellor would be up waiting so that he could witness and accept the child as heir for the people of Gondor.大臣守在外面,这已经成为惯例了,他将第一时间证明并且承认这个作为冈多继承人的婴儿诞生。

2.The Eye of Sauron now turns to Gondor the last free kingdom of Men.索伦把目标转向刚铎,人类最后的自由国土。

3.Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy. Let us use it against him.把敌人的武器交给刚铎让我们利用它来对抗邪恶

4.in "Return of the King" , when the characters finally reach Gondor, this theme is heard as a full orchestral piece.在《王者归来》这部中,最后大家都到达冈多时,我们可以听到管弦乐版的整首冈多国歌。

5.After the downfall of Sauron, Arwen traveled south to Gondor with her father.索隆垮台之后,亚玟和她的父亲一起南下来到冈多。

6.anduril , flame of the west , forged by the elves in rivendell using the shards of narsil . the sword of the king of gondor.西方之炎安杜瑞尔,瑞文代尔精灵用纳西尔的碎片铸造而成。冈多王的佩剑。

7.Peter Jackson's children appear twice in the film: in Gondor, when the horsemen leave the city, and in Sam's wedding.彼得·杰克逊的孩子们在影片中出现过两次:在刚铎彪骑出城时,还有萨姆的婚礼上。

8.hail denethor , son of ecthepon , lord and steward of gondor.向德内塞,埃克瑟里昂之子,刚铎的主人和摄政王致敬。

9.King of the Dead: None but the King of Gondor may command me.除了冈多之王外,没有任何凡人可以命令我。

10.when Gondor's need was dire. they fled vanishing into the darkness of the mountain.当刚多需要帮助时,他们却逃之夭夭,消失在漆黑的山岳里。