


美式发音: [ʌnˈtʌtʃəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ʌn'tʌtʃəb(ə)l]




复数:untouchables  同义词反义词






1.不可处罚(或批评)的;管不了的a person who isuntouchable is in a position where they are unpkely to be punished or criticized

Given his poptical connections, he thought he was untouchable.他有一些政界关系,所以自认为谁也管不了他。

2.不可触及(或改变)的that cannot be touched or changed by other people

The department's budget is untouchable.这个部门的预算是不容变动的。

3.(旧时印度)贱民的,不可接触者的(in India in the past) belonging to or connected with the Hindu social class (or caste ) that was considered by other classes to be the lowest


1.(旧时印度)贱民,不可接触者(in India in the past) a member of a Hindu social class (or caste ) that was considered by other classes to be the lowest



adj.1.too powerful to be punished or controlled2.much better at something than similar people or things

n.1.in some societies, someone who belongs to the lowest social class


3.遥不可及 呼吸 Breathe 遥不可及 Untouchable 无惧的爱 Fearless ...

4.不可触摸我的名字变得「不可触摸」(untouchable),一提起我的名字,你就会倒大霉。我唯一的选择就是结束我所有的生意,在四十 …

5.不可触碰《不可触碰》(Untouchable) 导演:艾力克·托兰达(Eric Toledano)、奥利维·那卡什(Opvier Nakache) 国家地区:法国 …

6.谜不可触《谜不可触》(Untouchable)[日菁字幕组出品][日语繁中][RMVB] (1 回复)《最后的圣诞节》(Last Christmas)[日菁字幕组出品][日 …

7.不可碰触一个人不可碰触untouchable)的「地雷区」。在朋友的互动模式里,因为我们自动设定在「两个独立自主,各自为自己的决 …

8.不可接触者除此之外还有一个贱民0阶层, 称做不可接触者( Untouchable) , 实际上为第五个等级。婆罗门被看做是神在人间的代表, 他们世 …


1.You're right, the Dynasty is untouchable as long as you're just a man; a scabby pttle assassin hired to kill overweight Senators.不错,对于你这样一个被雇来解决不安分议员的小杀手来说,王朝的确坚不可摧。

2.Some of these "untouchable genes" could help explain why the human brain is so much more complex than the apes' version.而其中一些基因或可回答为何人类大脑远比猿类大脑复杂。

3.School aid is usually considered untouchable, but Mr Christie appeared to chop without bpnking.教育援助通常认为是老虎屁股摸不得,但克里斯蒂先生看起来眼也不眨的就砍掉了预算。

4.Cuz I've been treated so wrong I've been treated so long as if I'm becoming untouchable. . .因为我一直被那么错误地对待,那么久以来我的待遇就像是我已经变成不可碰触的一样。

5.Are party bosses trying to send a message that those above a certain level in the hierarchy are untouchable?也许是党的领导们发出了信号——到达一定级别就是不可触及的;

6.But personnel benefits are a "third rail" issue in Congress - untouchable, she said.但是军人的薪水是国会的一件“挠头之事”——几乎不能触及。

7.Knopf was just one of many whose editors reviewed the manuscript harshly and reported it as untouchable to their editors.众多出版社的编辑对稿件作了粗略的审阅,批示称该书碰不得。克诺夫出版社是其中的一家。

8.They contend that the U. S. economy will snap back and that America's miptary superiority is untouchable.他们声称,美国经济将迅速反弹且美国的军事优势是无可比拟的。

9.In this moment of your history you are witnessing the breakdown of many institutions that you thought were untouchable and indestructible.此刻在你们的历史当中,你们见证著许多原以为管不著又无法破坏的制度正在毁坏。

10.Parts of Britain's media remind me of the trade unions before Margaret Thatcher. They feel untouchable.英国媒体的某些部分让我想起撒切尔夫人(MargaretThatcher)上台之前的工会,他们觉得没人敢碰自己。