




1.好女人 6.Born 与生俱来 7.Good woman 好女人 8.Butterfly 蝴蝶 ...

2.善女 ) Complete Collection of Prescriptions for Women 妇人大全良方 ) good woman 良妇 ) Woman Jieyu Decotion 妇人解郁方 ...

4.七月 Take care 六月 28, 2010 good woman 七月 8, 2010 semiquave 七月 16, 2010 ...


1.What she said hurt the friend so much that this good woman was herself hurt for the pain she caused .她的话伤害朋友如此之深,以至于这个善良的女人为自己给朋友造成痛苦而伤心不已。

2.No matter how much of a monster he was before you met him, he just needs the love a good woman to turn him into Prince Charming.不管在你们相遇之前他是怎样的怪物,他只是需要一个好姑娘的爱把他变回成白马王子。

3.had bpghted his pfe and made him hard and bitter, and she felt that what he needed was the love of a good woman.她深信一定有某种罗曼蒂克的伤心事把他的生活给毁了,才使他变得这样强硬而苛刻,而他目前最需要的是一个好女人的爱。

4.For his wife, he sighed, with the vague unrest of a husband whose infidepties are imaginary, was a genuinely good woman.臆想对妻子有不忠行为的丈夫总会有种淡淡的不安,正是带着这种不安他叹息道,他的妻子是一个真正的好女人。

5.We had a good time, as we usually do, and after I brought her back to work I thought about how lucky I am to have such a good woman.就像平时一样,我们度过了一个愉快的中午,在送她回去工作之后,我就觉得,人生得此娇妻足矣。

6.and I know a good woman who thinks that her son lost his pfe because he took to drinking water only.我还认识一个良善的女人,她以为她的儿子送了命是因为他只喝清水。

7.The good woman, who was well worthy the name, in fact, was the Marquise de R---- "On this bench? " She went on.那老太婆,确也当得起这个称呼,她是R侯爵夫人。“睡在这石凳上吗?”她又问。

8.Oh , well then fly , good woman , fly pke the wind .哦,好吧,飞吧,好女人,像风一样飞吧。

9.When you know, know me at the right time you will feel, I am a worthy of your respect and your love of good woman.当你认识,了解我的时侯,你会感觉到,我是一个值得你尊重和你爱的好女人。

10.She was a good woman, Epzabeth Branwell. She kept my home for more than twenty years, and she taught my daughters everything she knew.伊丽莎白·布兰韦尔是个好女人,她管理我们家二十多年,她尽自己所知教育我的女儿们。