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1.The children got to stay up late and watch a good movie for the family.孩子们可以晚一点睡觉,看一部适合合家共赏的好电影。

2.We have come to the point that food is just as entertaining as a good movie.我们直截了当地说,食物正如一部好电影给人带来乐趣。

3.Bilpe: "Madagascar. " I thought it was boring in the first place, but it really turned out to be a good movie.比利:「马达加斯加」。刚开始我认为它会很无聊,但最后事实证明那是一部好电影。

4.CATHERINE: Yeah, it's supposed to be a good movie. How much time do we have?凯瑟琳:不错,应该是部好片子。我们时间够用吗?

5.she said " clean , " for which she won best actress at the cannes film festival , is a recent example of a good movie she took on.她说《清洁》这部让她赢得嘎纳电影节“最佳女演员”的电影,就是最近她接手的一部好电影的例子。

6.It was a good movie, to say the least of it.至少可以说,这是一部好电影。

7.My ideal day would be to get a good work out in, psten to music, talk to my family and friends on the phone, read and go to a good movie.我认为理想的一天应该是这样,我一天比赛非常顺利,精疲力尽回到家,听音乐,和我的家人朋友在电话里聊天,读书或者是看一部好电影。

8.BACK in March Barack Obama compared the Democratic primary to a "good movie" that has lasted "half an hour too long" .在三月份,巴拉克奥巴马将民主党初选比作一部“拖长了半个小时的好电影”。

9.Avatar may have nine Oscar nominations, but to hear some tell it, James Cameron's visual marvel isn't even a good movie.《阿凡达》也许获得了9项奥斯卡提名,但是在某些人的眼里,詹姆斯.卡梅隆的视觉奇观甚至算不上一部好的电影。

10.Sally: Jason, you have no taste . You think First Blood is a good movie.莎莉:杰森,你没品味。你还觉得《第一滴血》是好片呢。