


美式发音: [ɡʊdˈbaɪ] 英式发音: [ˌɡʊdˈbaɪ]



复数:goodbyes  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.say goodbye,kiss goodbye,bid goodbye




int.cheerio,see you,bye,see you later,ta-ta



1.再见;再会used when you are leaving sb or when sb else is leaving

Goodbye! It was great to meet you.再见!认识你很高兴。

She didn't even say goodbye to her mother .她甚至没有向母亲道个别。

We waved them goodbye .我们向他们挥手告别。

We've already said our goodbyes.我们已经道别了。

Kiss me goodbye !和我吻别吧!

Take out our service contract and say goodbye to costly repair bills.接受我们的服务合同,告别昂贵的修理费吧。


n.1.any word or phrase that you say when you leave someone or when someone leaves you

int.1网站屏蔽ed when you are leaving someone or when someone is leaving you, or when you are finishing a telephone call. Bye is a more informal word and is a more common way of saying goodbye to a friend or to someone you know well

1.再见 good afternoon 下午好 goodbye 再见 too 也,太 ...

2.再见警察 The pain was always free 痛苦总是如此放肆 Goodbye! 再见了! Goodbye…

4.再会 fine 美好的,(身体)好的 goodbye 再见,再会 bye 再见 ...

5.说再见 12. Remember When( 记得当时) 13. Goodbye说再见) 10. 4 Real( 说真的) ...

6.道别 5 恋恋 abandoned 7 道别 goodbye 8 拈花碎步 ripples ...

7.告别 good 好 goodbye 再见, 告别 goodness 善良, 美德, 精华 ...

8.永别. ... and me. 梦中人 goodbye永别 how/why pfe goes on the way it does. 早晨醒来 ...


1.Hard and sad you wrinkled your brows, told me that you were bored and tired and it was time to say goodbye.紧蹙着悲伤的眉头,你对我说你感到厌倦了,你累了,是时候说再见了。

2.Good-bye is a sad thing to say, but I must, so goodbye and I hope to see you again.说再见是件感伤的事,但我又不得不说,所以再见了,我希望能再见到大家。

3.A group of swan geese, in their usual formation, fly in the dark welkin to the south to which they said goodbye such a long time ago.在灰暗的天宇之上,一群人字形的大雁,要飞去久别的南方。

4.Morning has broken, a woman has become a beautiful butterfly, she said goodbye to the God they hurry to rush back to the hospital.天亮了,女人已经变成了一只美丽的蝴蝶,她告别了上帝便慢慢地赶回了医院。

5.Paul Dunham is escorted from his home in Hayden, Idaho, by his son-in-law Lon Taylor after kissing his wife Nancy, right, goodbye.与妻子温情吻别后,保罗·邓纳姆在女婿卢·泰勒陪伴下从家中走出来。

6."Sure, " I said. An odd request, but no harm would come of it. As the old woman was leaving, I called out, "Goodbye, Mother! "“当然可以,”我说。我想这不过是一个很简单的要求,也不会对我造成什么伤害。所以当老太太离开的时候,我大声的说道:“再见,妈妈!”

7.And my heart is breaking in front of me, yeah, she said goodbye too many times before.而我的心在我的面前破碎,是啊,她告别了太多遍。

8.July the twenty-seventh. A rainy day. He said goodbye to me for the last time.号,雨,他对我说了最后一次明天见。

9.My son said, "One did not reply. The other said " goodbye " and I said " thank you ". "儿子说:“一个没有回复,一个回复‘拜拜’,我回复了‘谢谢’。”

10.Then one morning the bear said, "Goodbye, dear children, now that spring is here I must leave you and I shall not return all summer. "一天早上,熊说:“再见了,亲爱的孩子们,现在是春天了,我得离开你们,整个夏天我都不会再来了。”