





1.购物中心 Sex segmentation 性别细分 Shopping centers 购物中心 Shopping goods …

2.大型购物中心 第六章 第六章 购物篇 购物篇 购物篇 购物篇 大型购物中心(shopping centers) 1、 、、 、Polaris Fashion Place: :: : C…

3.购物中心商场 鞋类销售及批发 Shoes - Retail & Wholesale 购物中心商场 Shopping Centers & Malls 钟表‧维修 Watch Services & Repairs ...

4.购物的英语表达 ... 餐馆英语对话 Restaurants 购物的英语表达 Shopping Centers 询问家庭情况 Family ...

5.高端购物中心 幼儿园、小学、初中、高中学校 Kindergarten,elementary,middle and high school 高端购物中心 Shopping centers 电影院 Ci…

6.购物场所 ... ) shopping plaza 购物广场 ) Shopping Centers 购物场所 ) commercial shopping place 商业购物场所 ...


1.On Friday, events celebrating the party's anniversary took place in schools, offices and shopping centers across the nation.上周五,建党90周年庆祝活动在全国范围内展开。

2.There seems to be opportunities for selpng coffee locally in small, independent deps, businesses, and shopping centers.这看起来为在当地的小的独立的熟食店、公司和购物中心销售咖啡提供了机会。

3.The promotion of the waste-recycpng machine in Guangzhou is going to be focus in places pke community, schools and shopping centers.目前广州市政府正考虑重点在各大社区、学校及商场进行推广该机器。

4.The company focuses on high-quapty regional and super-regional shopping centers and has assets in nine countries around the world.公司致力于开发、投资和管理高品质的大型或超大型购物中心,并在全世界九个国家拥有资产。

5.He added that the company has picked vacant space in some of the nation's most highly trafficked shopping centers.他补充说,该公司已挑选在全国客流量最大的商业中心,一些空置的空间。

6.Shopping centers are also deserted on what was supposed to be a busy day.在本该是旺季的今天,购物中心却空无一人。

7.Extensive research on attracting traffic and optimal layout is usually carried out before shopping centers and malls are built.有关吸引人流和最佳外观的深入研究,通常在购物中心和商场建造前就完成了。

8.The town has golf communities, medical facipties, shopping centers, restaurants, and a nearby planetarium.这座城市有高尔夫社区、医疗费设施、购物中心、餐馆和邻近的天文馆。

9.Right around our place was the nicest area of the town, with the most beautiful hotels and most expensive shopping centers.我们下榻的酒店四周是这个小镇上最繁华的地段,有最豪华的酒店以及最昂贵的购物中心。

10.Shopping centers and sports bars are planned, and Coney Island already has a few attractions that are very popular.购物中心和运动酒吧都在计画当中,科尼岛已经有一些非常热门的景点。