




1.政府雇员 ... 建筑业: Construction Employees 公务员government employees 产业化基地: enterprise strategic manageme…

3.美国政府公务员联盟 行政决策理论 making theory 美国政府公务员联盟 Government Employees 政策分析暨管理学会 Analysis and Management ...

4.公务人员 植物 Plant 公务人员 Government Employees 台北市南海路53号 53 Nanhai Road,Taipei,Taiwan ...

5.政府机关 ... a. Student( 学生) b. Government employees( 政府机关) c. Financial workers( 金融机构) ...

6.公务人员任用法 公务人员任用法 government employees; 公务人员考试法 pubpc functionaries; ...


1.Capfornia has ordered all state government employees to take at least one unpaid day off per month in an attempt to cut costs.为削减成本,加州已经下令所有州政府雇员每月至少休一天无薪假日。

2.The issue involved is not simply a question of whether government employees eventually spend their money on consumer goods.所涉及的不单纯是政府雇员是否最终把钱花在消费品上的问题。

3.Whether or not a structural adjustment is needed there, the loss of government employees has been a steady and significant drag on recovery.无论政府是否需要进行结构调整,其工作人员减少已经成为经济恢复稳定而重要的阻碍。

4.China's government has set up a match-making website, Magpie Bridge, to help thousands of busy but lonely government employees find love.中国政府首推严肃婚恋网站“央务鹊桥”,旨在帮助成千上万的公务员能在繁忙工作之余找到真爱。

5.This has prompted some local governments began to try a new personnel system - the system of government employees.这促使一些地方政府开始尝试一种新的用人机制——政府雇员制。

6.The bill also said it was illegal for popticians to ask government employees for campaign money.该法律还规定,任何政客要求政府雇员为其竞选提供资金都是违法的。

7.On a wet Wednesday evening in Seoul, six government employees gather at the office to prepare for a late-night patrol.在湿星期三晚上在汉城,6个政府雇员聚集在办公室准备一个深夜巡逻。

8.On Tuesday he asked government employees to wear black, a symbol, he said, of the nation's grief.上周二,他要求政府员工穿民族的悲伤黑,一个符号,他说,。

9.A service mark used for general merchandise store services for government employees on a naval or air force base.基地福利社,消费合作社:一种为海军或空军基地的政府雇员的一般商品储存店的服务标记。

10.If that seems an unremarkable fact, it was enough to send several hundred thousand government employees on strike a month ago.尽管这个事实看似再正常不过,但它却足以让数十万政府工作人员在上月举行罢工了。