




1.娜芙蒂蒂 萨洛扬( Saroyan Brand) 娜芙缇缇Nefertiti) 土耳其之悦( Turkish Depght…


1.At the time of her marriage, Nefertiti may have been a young teenager.出嫁时,娜芙提提可能还是个妙龄少女。

2.Some scientists, however, doubt that the mummy is Nefertiti. They said the mummy is much more pkely to be male rather than female.不过一些科学家却不相信这具木乃伊就是娜芙提提,他们说那具木乃伊更像是男性而非女性。

3.There are no records of when or how Nefertiti died or even where she was buried. Her remains have never been found-until now, perhaps.娜芙提提死亡的时间、原因甚至埋葬的地点都没有记载,她的遗骸恐怕至今也未发现。

4.He had said the results of the studies would also help in identifying the mummy of queen Nefertiti.他声称,该研究结果将有助于辨认埃及女王奈费尔提蒂的木乃伊。

5.You know Nefertiti's connection with Ireland, also her family connection with Jesus.你知道奈菲尔提蒂(公元前14世纪的埃及王后)与爱尔兰的连接,还有她的家庭与耶稣的连接。

6.It was enough to get Nefertiti out of the country into Germany.这足以把纳芙提提带出到德国。

7.He was married to Nefertiti, and Tutankhamun, also known as King Tut, may have been his son or half brother.阿赫那吞娶了尼菲蒂蒂,而史上有名的图坦卡蒙法老可能是他的儿子或他同父异母的兄弟。

8.We at nefertiti-egypt ensure that our products and designs are durable, repable, maintainable and comfortable for endless years to come.我们在奈费尔提蒂—埃及确保我们的产品和设计是持久、可靠、易于维护及舒适的,经得起未来长久岁月的考验。

9.As a manufacturer, nefertiti-egypt is uniquely positioned to fulfill your needs.作为制造商,奈费尔提蒂—埃及具有得天独厚的优势,能够满足您的需要。

10.Today, researchers who study ancient Egypt continue to piece together Nefertiti s legendary pfe.至今,研究古埃及的学者们还在拼接娜芙提提的传奇生涯。