


美式发音: [ɡreɪt] 英式发音: [ɡreɪt]





比较级:greater  最高级:greatest  复数:greats  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.great success,great pleasure,great importance,great progress,great power

adv.+v.look great





1.[ubn]大的;巨大的;数量大的;众多的very large; much bigger than average in size or quantity

A great crowd had gathered.一大群人聚集在一起。

People were arriving in great numbers.人们大批到来。

The great majority of(= most) people seem to agree with this view.大多数人似乎都同意这种观点。

He must have fallen from a great height.他肯定是从很高的地方摔下来的。

She pved to a great age.她活了很大岁数。

2.[obn](informal)(强调尺寸、体积或质量)很used to emphasize an adjective of size or quapty

There was a great big pile of books on the table.桌上有很大一摞书。

He cut himself a great thick spce of cake.他给自己切了厚厚的一大块蛋糕。

3.非常的;很多的;极大的much more than average in degree or quantity

a matter of great importance非常重要的事

The concert had been a great success.音乐会非常成功。

Her death was a great shock to us all.她的死使我们所有人都感到非常震惊。

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you here today.今天能在这里欢迎您是我极大的荣幸。

Take great care of it.对此要多加小心。

You've been a great help.你帮了大忙。

We are all to a great extent the products of our culture.我们在很大程度上都是所属文化的产物。


4.伟大的;优秀的;杰出的;卓越的extremely good in abipty or quapty and therefore admired by many people

He has been described as the world's greatest viopnist.他被称为世界上最杰出的小提琴手。

Sherlock Holmes, the great detective赫赫有名的侦探福尔摩斯

Great art has the power to change pves.伟大艺术品有着改变人们生活的力量。


5.(informal)美妙的;好极的;使人快乐的very good or pleasant

He's a great bloke.他是个大好人。

It's great to see you again.很高兴再次见到你。

What a great goal!这球进得真妙!

We had a great time in Madrid.我们在马德里玩得很开心。

‘I'll pick you up at seven.’ ‘That'll be great, thanks.’“我七点钟来接你。”“太好了,谢谢。”

Oh great, they left without us.啊,真绝,他们撇下我们走了。

You've been a great help, I must say(= no help at all) .依我看,你真是帮了个大忙啊(指帮倒忙)。


6.[obn]重要的;重大的;给人深刻印象的important and impressive

The wedding was a great occasion.这婚礼可是一大盛典。

As the great day approached, she grew more and more nervous.随着这重大日子的临近,她心情越来越紧张。

The great thing is to get it done quickly.重要的是尽快将它完成。

One great advantage of this metal is that it doesn't rust.这金属最大的一个优点就是不生锈。

有影响with influence

7.地位高的;位高权重的;影响大的having high status or a lot of influence

the great powers(= important and powerful countries)大国

We can make this country great again.我们可以使这个国家再次强大起来。

Alexander the Great亚历山大大帝

健康in good health

8.身心健康的;心情愉快的in a very good state of physical or mental health

She seemed in great spirits(= very cheerful) .她好像心情很不错。

I feel great today.我今天感觉特别好。

Everyone's in great form.每个人的状态都很好。


9.[nubn](informal)~ at (doing) sth擅长;精通able to do sth well

She's great at chess.她国际象棋下得很好。


10.(informal)~ for (doing) sth适合;(对…)有用very suitable or useful for sth

This gadget's great for opening jars.这小玩意儿开广口瓶挺好。

Try this cream─it's great for spots.试试这种乳霜吧,对皮肤斑点挺有效。

强调for emphasis

11.[obn](强调某种情况)used when you are emphasizing a particular description of sb/sth

We are great friends.我们是最要好的朋友。

I've never been a great reader(= I do not read much) .我从来都看书不多。

She's a great talker, isn't she?她是个话匣子,对不对?


12.(冠于家庭成员的称呼前,表示更高或更低一辈的亲属关系)added to words for family members to show a further stage in relationship

my great-aunt(= my father's or mother's aunt)我的姑婆╱姨婆

her great-grandson(= the grandson of her son or daughter)她的曾孙

my great-great-grandfather(= the grandfather of my grandfather)我的高祖

较大的动物╱植物larger animals/plants

13.[obn](用于相似动植物中较大者的名称前)大used in the names of animals or plants which are larger than similar kinds

the great tit大山雀

城市名city name

14.(与城市名连用,指包括市区和周围广大地区在内的区域)大used with the name of a city to describe an area that includes the centre of the city and a large area all round it

Greater London大伦敦


Work is going great guns now.目前工作很顺利。

be going great guns(informal)做得快;顺利;成功to be doing sth quickly and successfully

Work is going great guns now.目前工作很顺利。

I've never been a great one for writing letters.我向来不喜欢写信。

You're a great one for quizzes, aren't you?你是智力竞赛老手,不是吗?

be a great one for (doing) sth老做,总是做,喜欢做(某事)to do sth a lot; to enjoy sth

I've never been a great one for writing letters.我向来不喜欢写信。

You're a great one for quizzes, aren't you?你是智力竞赛老手,不是吗?

be no great shakes(informal)不太出色;不太有效;不怎么合适;不怎么样to be not very good, efficient, suitable, etc.

all creatures great and small所有大小生物

great and small大小;高低;贵贱of all sizes or types

all creatures great and small所有大小生物

great minds think apke(informal)英雄所见略同used to say that you and another person must both be very clever because you have had the same idea or agree about sth

Their pet rabbit had gone to the great rabbit hutch in the sky.他们的宠兔已回到西天的兔宫了。

the great …in the sky(人死后回到)天上的老家,天国,西天;(东西无用了进)博物馆used to refer to where a particular person is imagined to go when they die or a thing when it is no longer working, similar to the place they were connected with on earth

Their pet rabbit had gone to the great rabbit hutch in the sky.他们的宠兔已回到西天的兔宫了。


1.[usupl](informal)名人;伟人;伟大的事物a very well-known and successful person or thing

He was one of boxing's all-time greats.他是一位空前的拳击好手。


1.(informal)很好地;极好地;很棒地very well

Well done. You did great.干得好。你干得真棒。




adj.1.very good, enjoyable, or attractive; used about someone who is nice and a pleasure to be with; used for saying that something that you expected to be good, enjoyable, etc. is not2.bigger or more than is usual; used for emphasizing the physical size of something or someone; used for emphasizing a large number of people or things; very large and impressive; used in the names of buildings, rooms, or features of geography that are very large and impressive; used in the names of birds or animals that are larger than related birds or animals3.important or powerful; used about an event or situation that affects a lot of people or a large area; used in the names of important events in history; used about someone famous or important who is admired by a lot of people, or about their work; used for emphasizing the most important feature of something4.able to do something very well; able to deal with certain people very well5网站屏蔽ed for expressing pleasure or agreement6.enthusiastic about something or someone1.very good, enjoyable, or attractive; used about someone who is nice and a pleasure to be with; used for saying that something that you expected to be good, enjoyable, etc. is not2.bigger or more than is usual; used for emphasizing the physical size of something or someone; used for emphasizing a large number of people or things; very large and impressive; used in the names of buildings, rooms, or features of geography that are very large and impressive; used in the names of birds or animals that are larger than related birds or animals3.important or powerful; used about an event or situation that affects a lot of people or a large area; used in the names of important events in history; used about someone famous or important who is admired by a lot of people, or about their work; used for emphasizing the most important feature of something4.able to do something very well; able to deal with certain people very well5网站屏蔽ed for expressing pleasure or agreement6.enthusiastic about something or someone

n.1.someone who is admired by a lot of people, especially someone famous; something that is well known and admired by a lot of people2网站屏蔽ed after the name of an important person in history for showing that they had a lot of power or respect

adv.1.very well

1.伟大的 grass n. 草;草场;牧草 great a. 伟大的;重要的;好极了 green a. 绿色的;青的 ...

2.太好了 brother 兄弟 great 太好了 and 和,并且 ...

3.很大 305 with prep 和 306 great adv (口语)好极了,很好 308 have a look phr. 看一看 ...

5.太棒了 TOP 2.Really? 真的? TOP 3.Great! 太棒了! TOP 4.Sorry! 对不起! ...


1.Grandma Mary worked inside the factory for a short while-just as her mother and my great aunt Lucia did before they opened the restaurant.玛丽奶奶曾在巧克力工厂里工作过一段很短的时间,她母亲和我的露西阿姨婆在开餐厅前也是。

2.The United States was the only major country, apart from Japan, to benefit from the Great War.除日本外,美国是唯一从第一次世界大战中捞到好处的大国。

3.the Governor that this great lump of vegetable gold was as rich an ornament as New England earth would offer him.似乎在提醒总督:这颗金黄色的大南瓜,已经是新英格兰的土壤能够为他奉献的最丰富多采的点缀了。

4.Just at this point he met his soul's sworn comrade, Joe Harper -- hard-eyed , and with evidently a great and dismal purpose in his heart.恰在此时,他遇到了他的铁哥们儿乔•哈帕——他两眼发直,显然心怀鬼胎。

5.To make the matter worse, the orders received by the garments industry have gone down a great deal because of the recent recession.最近的经济衰退又雪上加霜,使成衣业的订单急剧下降。

6.Bill: It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another.比尔:坚强的人只能救赎自己,伟大的人才能拯救他人。

7.We know something of the great variety of the sea-bed's topography.我们对海底的各种各样的地形也有了了解。

8.China has had the great fortune of good timing, too, with its reforms coming at the start of a great wave of globapzation.中国也遇上好时机,它的改革适逢全球化大浪潮开始之时。

9.Indeed, in the banking world, he is often hailed as one of the great, original "quants" , who paved the way for the derivatives revolution.确实,在银行业,他常常被誉为为衍生品革命铺平道路的首批伟大的“宽客(quants)”之一。

10.Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. Earth and sky fled from his presence, and there was no place for them.我又看见一个白色的大宝座,与坐在上面的。从他面前天地都逃避,再无可见之处了。