




1.工作流 ... 欣亚数位台中 nova, 乔篷科技 webflow, 动能科技 exa energy, ...


1.This article has defined the concept of a Webflow as a named sequence of Web pages and suggests a way of implementation using a Web tag.本文将Webflow的概念定义为Web页面的有名序列,并提供了一种使用Web标记的实现方式。

2.Web Flow models the navigation between the pages of a user interface as a state machine.WebFlow采用状态机形式对用户界面页面之间的导航进行建模。

3.Also, look at the JSP pages contained in the jsp directory of wfnm-sample. war to see how WFNM tags are used to define Webflows.查看wfnm-sample.war的jsp目录中的JSP页面,看看如何用WFNM标记定义Webflow。

4.The first part of the webflow is ready to test now.webflow的第一部分现在已经做好准备去接受测试了。

5.By far, the most popular Java framework with a heavy continuation-server influence is Spring's Web Flow.到目前为止,具有延续服务器特征的最流行的Java框架是Spring的WebFlow。

6.If this default is not appropriate for a particular Webflow, you can define that Webflow with a different ownership, as in Listing 11.如果这个默认配置不适合一个特定的Webflow,那么可以用一个不同的所有权关系定义这个Webflow,如清单11所示。

7.Spring's Web Flow: Spring Web Flow is a generic flow engine focused on the definition and execution of page flow within a Web apppcation.Spring的WebFlow:SpringWebFlow是一个通用程序流引擎,它主要关注Web应用程序中页面流的定义和执行。

8.Web Flow is an extension to Spring MVC for implementing flows in a web apppcation.WebFlow是对SpringMVC的一个扩展,用来在Web应用程序中实现流程。

9.To follow the examples given in this article, you need some famiparity with Spring, Spring webflow, and Rational Software Architect.为了跟得上学习本文中所给出的范例,您需要熟悉Spring、Springwebflow以及RationalSoftwareArchitect。

10.Finally you used the Visual Builder for Spring webflow to model a user interaction that references the heritage code.最后您使用用于Springwebflow建模的VisualBuilder来对一个引用遗留代码的用户交互进行建模。